Script to generate badges based in coverage-badge. Generates coverage badge, git tag badge and you can make your own.
Badge styles from
pip install all_badge
all_badge -f -cov -s flat -o cov.svg
all_badge -c brightgreen -f -git -s flat -o git.svg
all_badge -c blue -f -git -s flat -o git.svg
all_badge -c brightgreen -o version.svg -f -t 'made by' -v Carlosmart -s flat
all_badge -c brightgreen -o version.svg -f -t 'made by' -v Carlosmart -s for-the-badge
all_badge -c brightgreen -f -t 'made by' -v Carlosmart -s flat-square -o media/example-custom-3.svg
usage: all_badge [-h] [-o FILEPATH] [-p] [-f] [-q] [-version] [-git] [-cov]
[-t TEXT] [-v VALUE] [-c COLOR] [-s STYLE]
Generate badges
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-o FILEPATH Save the file to the specified path.
-p Plain color mode. Standard green badge.
-f Force overwrite image, use with -o key.
-q Don't output any non-error messages.
--version Show version.
-git Build badge for git tag.
-cov Build badge for coverage.
-t TEXT Badge text.
-v VALUE Badge value.
-c COLOR Badge color.
-s STYLE Badge style.
Install requirements:
pip install -e ".[test]"
Run tests
pytest .