- Plymouth Meeting, PA
- http://carlism.org
- @carlism
retro_taxi Public
Forked from elixirfocus/retro_taxiHelps a team run a retrospective meeting. Built using Elixir, Phoenix, and LiveView. Contributions and questions are very welcome!
vinyldns-cli Public
Forked from vinyldns/vinyldns-cliA Go-based CLI to vinyldns
hubitat_exporter Public
A Prometheus metrics exporter for Hubitat
repolinter Public
Forked from todogroup/repolinterOpen Source Repository Linter
grapevine Public
Forked from oestrich/grapevineThe MUD Chat Network
vinyldns-ruby Public
Forked from vinyldns/vinyldns-rubyRuby gem containing methods to perform various API requests in VinylDNS
elixir-formatter Public
Forked from sarat-ravi/elixir-formatterVSCode Extension to automatically format Elixir code
grape Public
Forked from ruby-grape/grapeAn opinionated framework for creating REST-like APIs in Ruby.
nerves_grove Public
Forked from dryex/nerves_groveGrove module support for Nerves.
open-zwave Public
Forked from OpenZWave/open-zwavea C++ and DotNet library to control Z-Wave Networks via a Z-Wave Controller.
MisterCarson Public
An Event/Rules processor for Home Automation. Intended for use with my zwave-redis-bridge project.
Slogger Public
Forked from ttscoff/SloggerSocial logging script for Day One
motion-plot Public
Forked from toamitkumar/motion-plotCreate native iOS charts using simple JSON as you are used-to with Highcharts like JS library. This library is a wrapper on top of CorePlot
zwave-redis-bridge Public
Bridge zwave data to redis' keystore and events and commands to redis' pub/sub channels
redis-cplusplus-client Public archive
Forked from bonifaido/redis-cplusplus-clientA C++ client for Redis. It supports consistent hashing, redis-server v2.0 and has a high level api for shared strings, integers, lists and sets
happening Public
Forked from olap/happeningAn EventMachine based S3 client
dotfiles Public
Forked from ryanb/dotfilesconfig files for zsh, bash, completions, gem, git, irb, rails
university-web Public
Forked from mendicant-original/university-webSchool administration app for Ruby Mendicant University
metric_fu Public
Forked from jscruggs/metric_fuA fist full of code metrics
cordage Public
Forked from mendicant-original/s5-e3An attempt at making a useful Rope data structure in Ruby
nagging-hobo Public
Forked from mendicant-original/s5-e1Send yourself boxcar messages in the future.
splat_camp Public
Forked from gdagley/basejumperThe starter Rails application I would use if it existed.