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MockChain only includes valid transactions into blocks
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Moved and DRYed usage of scriptLedger and introduced function
'collectTransactions' to emulate the dropping transaction behavior as it
was already intended before (see comment).

As we are checking transactions now on submission and fail there, this
is not really needed, but it is more consistent to include only
transactions in the mock chain "blocks" which were valid at time of
  • Loading branch information
ch1bo committed Feb 19, 2024
1 parent b1b802c commit c28b4e5
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Showing 2 changed files with 37 additions and 44 deletions.
17 changes: 14 additions & 3 deletions hydra-node/src/Hydra/Ledger.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -74,13 +74,13 @@ data Ledger tx = Ledger
UTxOType tx ->
[tx] ->
Either (tx, ValidationError) (UTxOType tx)
-- ^ Apply a set of transaction to a given UTXO set. Returns the new UTXO or
-- ^ Apply a set of transaction to a given UTxO set. Returns the new UTxO or
-- validation failures returned from the ledger.
-- TODO: 'ValidationError' should also include the UTxO, which is not
-- necessarily the same as the given UTxO after some transactions
, initUTxO :: UTxOType tx
-- ^ Generates an initial UTXO set. This is only temporary as it does not
-- allow to initialize the UTXO.
-- ^ Generates an initial UTxO set. This is only temporary as it does not
-- allow to initialize the UTxO.
-- TODO: This seems redundant with the `Monoid (UTxOType tx)` constraints
-- coming with `IsTx`. We probably want to dry this out.
Expand All @@ -90,6 +90,17 @@ canApply :: Ledger tx -> ChainSlot -> UTxOType tx -> tx -> ValidationResult
canApply ledger slot utxo tx =
either (Invalid . snd) (const Valid) $ applyTransactions ledger slot utxo (pure tx)

-- | Collect applicable transactions and resulting UTxO. In contrast to
-- 'applyTransactions', this functions continues on validation errors.
collectTransactions :: Ledger tx -> ChainSlot -> UTxOType tx -> [tx] -> ([tx], UTxOType tx)
collectTransactions Ledger{applyTransactions} slot utxo =
foldr go ([], utxo)
go tx (applicableTxs, u) =
case applyTransactions slot u [tx] of
Left _ -> (applicableTxs, u)
Right u' -> (applicableTxs <> [tx], u')

-- | Either valid or an error which we get from the ledger-specs tx validation.
data ValidationResult
= Valid
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64 changes: 23 additions & 41 deletions hydra-node/test/Hydra/Model/MockChain.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ module Hydra.Model.MockChain where
import Hydra.Cardano.Api
import Hydra.Prelude hiding (Any, label)

import Cardano.Api.UTxO (fromPairs, pairs)
import Cardano.Api.UTxO (fromPairs)
import Control.Concurrent.Class.MonadSTM (
MonadSTM (newTVarIO, writeTVar),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ import Hydra.HeadLogic.State (
InitialState (..),
OpenState (..),
import Hydra.Ledger (ChainSlot (..), Ledger (..), txId)
import Hydra.Ledger (ChainSlot (..), Ledger (..), ValidationError (..), collectTransactions)
import Hydra.Ledger.Cardano (adjustUTxO, fromChainSlot, genTxOutAdaOnly)
import Hydra.Ledger.Cardano.Evaluate (eraHistoryWithoutHorizon, evaluateTx)
import Hydra.Logging (Tracer)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -111,7 +111,6 @@ mockChainAndNetwork tr seedKeys commits = do

seedInput = genTxIn `generateWith` 42

-- TODO: why not use the full 'cardanoLedger'?
ledger = scriptLedger seedInput

Ledger{applyTransactions, initUTxO} = ledger
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -145,29 +144,20 @@ mockChainAndNetwork tr seedKeys commits = do
atomically $ do
-- NOTE: Determine the current "view" on the chain (important while
-- rolled back, before new roll forwards were issued)
(_, position, blocks, globalUTxO) <- readTVar chain
(slot, position, blocks, globalUTxO) <- readTVar chain
let utxo = case Seq.lookup (fromIntegral position) blocks of
Nothing -> globalUTxO
Just (_, _, blockUTxO) -> blockUTxO
-- TODO: dry with block tx validation
case evaluateTx tx utxo of
Left err ->
case applyTransactions slot utxo [tx] of
Left (_tx, err) ->
throwSTM . userError . toString $
[ "MockChain: Invalid tx submitted"
, "Tx: " <> toText (renderTxWithUTxO utxo tx)
, "Error: " <> show err
Right report
| any isLeft report ->
throwSTM . userError . toString $
[ "MockChain: Invalid tx submitted"
, "Tx: " <> toText (renderTxWithUTxO utxo tx)
, "Error: " <> show (lefts . toList $ report)
| otherwise ->
writeTQueue queue tx
Right _utxo' ->
writeTQueue queue tx
let chainHandle =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -266,24 +256,16 @@ mockChainAndNetwork tr seedKeys commits = do
pure ()

addNewBlockToChain chain transactions =
modifyTVar chain $ \(slotNum, position, blocks, utxo) ->
modifyTVar chain $ \(slotNum, position, blocks, utxo) -> do
-- NOTE: Assumes 1 slot = 1 second
let newSlot = slotNum + ChainSlot (truncate blockTime)
header = genBlockHeaderAt (fromChainSlot newSlot) `generateWith` 42
in case applyTransactions newSlot utxo transactions of
Left err ->
error $
toText $
"On-chain transactions are not supposed to fail: "
<> show err
<> "\nTx:\n"
<> (show @String $ txId <$> transactions)
<> "\nUTxO:\n"
<> show (fst <$> pairs utxo)
Right utxo' ->
-- FIXME: this includes all transactions even if only one of them
-- would apply (e.g. concurrent collect transactions in Hydra)
(newSlot, position, blocks :|> (header, transactions, utxo'), utxo')
-- NOTE: Transactions that do not apply to the current state (eg.
-- UTxO) are silently dropped which emulates the chain behaviour that
-- only the client is potentially witnessing the failure, and no
-- invalid transaction will ever be included in the chain.
(txs', utxo') = collectTransactions ledger newSlot utxo transactions
in (newSlot, position, blocks :|> (header, txs', utxo'), utxo')

-- | Construct fixed 'TimeHandle' that starts from 0 and has the era horizon far in the future.
-- This is used in our 'Model' tests and we want to make sure the tests finish before
Expand All @@ -308,20 +290,20 @@ scriptLedger seedInput =
initUTxO = fromPairs [(seedInput, (arbitrary >>= genTxOutAdaOnly) `generateWith` 42)]

-- XXX: We could easily add 'slot' validation here and this would already
-- emulate the dropping of outdated transactions from the cardano-node
-- mempool.
applyTransactions !slot utxo = \case
[] -> Right utxo
(tx : txs) ->
case evaluateTx tx utxo of
Left err ->
Left (tx, ValidationError{reason = show err})
Right report
| all isRight report ->
let utxo' = adjustUTxO tx utxo
in applyTransactions slot utxo' txs
_ ->
-- Transactions that do not apply to the current state (eg. UTxO) are
-- silently dropped which emulates the chain behaviour that only the
-- client is potentially witnessing the failure, and no invalid
-- transaction will ever be included in the chain
applyTransactions slot utxo txs
| any isLeft report ->
Left (tx, ValidationError{reason = show . lefts $ toList report})
| otherwise ->
applyTransactions slot (adjustUTxO tx utxo) txs

-- | Find Cardano vkey corresponding to our Hydra vkey using signing keys lookup.
-- This is a bit cumbersome and a tribute to the fact the `HydraNode` itself has no
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