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abailly authored and ch1bo committed Feb 16, 2024
1 parent 95de850 commit 4d4dfb9
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Showing 2 changed files with 32 additions and 23 deletions.
20 changes: 14 additions & 6 deletions hydra-node/test/Hydra/Model.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -223,12 +223,12 @@ instance StateModel WorldState where

precondition WorldState{hydraState = Start} Seed{} =
precondition WorldState{hydraState = Idle{}} Init{} =
precondition WorldState{hydraState = hydraState@Initial{}} (Commit party _) =
isPendingCommitFrom party hydraState
precondition WorldState{hydraState = Initial{}} Abort{} =
precondition WorldState{hydraState = Idle{idleParties}} (Init p) =
p `elem` idleParties
precondition WorldState{hydraState = Initial{pendingCommits}} (Commit party _) =
party `Map.member` pendingCommits
precondition WorldState{hydraState = Initial{commits, pendingCommits}} (Abort party) =
party `Set.member` (Map.keysSet pendingCommits <> Map.keysSet commits)
precondition WorldState{hydraState = Open{}} (Close _) =
precondition WorldState{hydraState = Open{offChainState}} (NewTx _ tx) =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -347,6 +347,14 @@ instance StateModel WorldState where
ObserveHeadIsOpen -> s
StopTheWorld -> s

shrinkAction _ctx _st = \case
seed@Seed{seedKeys, toCommit} ->
[ Some seed{seedKeys = seedKeys', toCommit = toCommit'}
| seedKeys' <- shrink seedKeys
, let toCommit' = Map.filterWithKey (\p _ -> p `elem` (deriveParty . fst <$> seedKeys')) toCommit
_other -> []

instance HasVariables WorldState where
getAllVariables _ = mempty

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35 changes: 18 additions & 17 deletions hydra-node/test/Hydra/ModelSpec.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ import Hydra.Model (
import Hydra.Model qualified as Model
import Hydra.Model.Payment qualified as Payment
import Hydra.Party (Party (..), deriveParty)
import Test.QuickCheck (Property, Testable, counterexample, forAll, property, withMaxSuccess, within)
import Test.QuickCheck (Property, Testable, counterexample, forAll, forAllShrink, property, withMaxSuccess, within)
import Test.QuickCheck.DynamicLogic (
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ spec = do
-- See
prop "model should not generate 0 Ada UTxO" $ withMaxSuccess 10000 prop_doesNotGenerate0AdaUTxO
prop "model generates consistent traces" $ withMaxSuccess 10000 prop_generateTraces
prop "implementation respects model" $ forAll arbitrary prop_checkModel
prop "implementation respects model" prop_checkModel
prop "check conflict-free liveness" prop_checkConflictFreeLiveness
prop "check head opens if all participants commit" prop_checkHeadOpensIfAllPartiesCommit
prop "fanout contains whole confirmed UTxO" prop_fanoutContainsWholeConfirmedUTxO
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -285,22 +285,23 @@ prop_doesNotGenerate0AdaUTxO (Actions actions) =
_anyOtherStep -> False
contains0Ada = (== lovelaceToValue 0) . snd

prop_checkModel :: Actions WorldState -> Property
prop_checkModel actions =
prop_checkModel :: Property
prop_checkModel =
within 30000000 $
runIOSimProp $ do
(metadata, _symEnv) <- runActions actions
let WorldState{hydraParties, hydraState} = underlyingState metadata
-- XXX: This wait time is arbitrary and corresponds to 3 "blocks" from
-- the underlying simulated chain which produces a block every 20s. It
-- should be enough to ensure all nodes' threads terminate their actions
-- and those gets picked up by the chain
run $ lift waitForAMinute
let parties = Set.fromList $ deriveParty . fst <$> hydraParties
nodes <- run $ gets nodes
assert (parties == Map.keysSet nodes)
forM_ parties $ \p -> do
assertBalancesInOpenHeadAreConsistent hydraState nodes p
forAllShrink arbitrary shrink $ \actions ->
runIOSimProp $ do
(metadata, _symEnv) <- runActions actions
let WorldState{hydraParties, hydraState} = underlyingState metadata
-- XXX: This wait time is arbitrary and corresponds to 3 "blocks" from
-- the underlying simulated chain which produces a block every 20s. It
-- should be enough to ensure all nodes' threads terminate their actions
-- and those gets picked up by the chain
run $ lift waitForAMinute
let parties = Set.fromList $ deriveParty . fst <$> hydraParties
nodes <- run $ gets nodes
assert (parties == Map.keysSet nodes)
forM_ parties $ \p -> do
assertBalancesInOpenHeadAreConsistent hydraState nodes p
waitForAMinute :: MonadDelay m => m ()
waitForAMinute = threadDelay 60
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