Built with Hugo
Hugo is a static site generator, generating html pages based on markdown and a predefined css/html theme. The pages can be previewed locally with
hugo serve
The terminal will let you know which localhost it is working on, by default it should be 1313
The pages are built with Github actions, in two different workflows.
One will build page previews on PRs to the main branch. Pleas always have a look at the preview before merging to main
The other will build and deploy the production page to the main website URL.
Team publications are updated one a week, and are cached for the remaining builds to speed up build time.
There are Hugo Archetypes set up for certain type of content:
- testimonials
- portfolio
- team members
To initiate new pages with these archetypes, you can use hugo commands:
hugo new --kind testimonial testimonial/[new-folder-name]
hugo new --kind portfolio portfolio/[new-folder-name]
hugo new --kind team team/[new-folder-name]
These will create new bundled pages for the content you want to add, with markdown files containing yaml settings that need to be filled in before publishing. There should be any further instructions in the archetypes themselves.
Heading / Logo font: Space Grotesk, weight 400 / Regular Body / subtitle: Spektral, weight 300 / Light
Primary: #cc4c4c Secondary: #85bfbf Main grey: #353b43
Title: 80pt subtitle: 50pt, 5pt distance between letters
Logo + Title in primary branding colour