This GitHub repository holds the design files for a Printed Circuit Board (PCB) project developed for home automation or "domotic" purposes. The PCB is designed to switch relays automatically and includes two ultrasonic sensor inputs for detecting the presence of people. The system is also equipped with nine solid-state outputs to control various devices, allowing for seamless integration with your smart home or other automation applications.
The PCB was created using Altium Designer and features an Arduino Nano microcontroller for efficient programming and customization. The design is compact, making it easy to fit into a variety of applications. With the ability to detect the presence of people and control multiple devices, this PCB is an excellent tool for creating a smart and energy-efficient home.
The design files are available for modification and customization, providing endless possibilities for home automation projects. Whether you're looking to control your home's lighting, or other appliances, this PCB project can be a valuable tool in making your life more comfortable and efficient...