Luke Campagnola & Paul Manis
This is an educational simulation of a simple neuron.
- Hodgkin & Huxley channels
- Lewis & Gerstner (2002) cortical channels
- Destexhe 1993 Ih channel
- Current/voltage clamp electrode with access resistance
- Diagram of cell membrane with circuit schematic
- Realtime simulation and plotting of voltages, currents, open probabilities, gating parameters, etc.
- Analysis tool for generating I/V curves and similar analyses.
- Pure python simulation; relatively easy to add new channels
- Python 3.10 or higher
- NumPy, SciPy
- PyQt5 or 6
- PyQtGraph
- lmfit
There are multiple ways to install:
Using Anaconda/miniconda:
a. Experienced Python users can install the requirements listed above, then download the neurodemo code and run
. For everybody else, I recommend installing the [Anaconda Python distribution] ( Download and run the installation package for your platform. To keep the size down, you can instead install [miniconda] ( When you run the installer, take note of the location it is installing to.b. If you installed miniconda, then it is necessary to manually install numpy, scipy, and pyqt6 (if you installed Anaconda, then these packages are already installed and you can skip this step, except for lmfit). This can be done from a terminal:
> conda install numpy scipy pyqt pyqtgraph lmfit
c. Install pyqtgraph (this is required regardless of which python distribution you installed):
> pip install pyqtgraph
d. Download the [neurodemo source code] ( You can find this by going to and clicking the "Download ZIP" button on the right side of the page. Unzip the file and you are ready to begin!
To get the latest version that runs with Python 3.10 and PyQt6 you can follow these steps, depending on your system. Note that these all create and use Python virtual environments rather than conda/mminiconda environments.
a. Windows
- Git clone the repository.
- In the main directory, under the windows cmd terminal, run win_install.bat.
- Create a shortcut on the desktop to the file win_start_demo.bat, and set the "window" to minimized. Clicking on the shortcut should start the program.
b. macOS
- Git clone the repository.
- In the main directory, using a zsh or bash terminal, run ./ This should create the environment, install all the required packages, and leave you with the environment activated.
- type "python" to run the program.
- To make an installable file (dmg), run the shell script that is appropriate for the processor: or The resulting dmg file will be in the folder dist/demo_(architecture).dmg. You can then install the app as you would with any other dmg file.
Create a single standalone executable file to distribute to others.
- Git clone the repository.
- Create and activate a python virtual environment (venv) in the main repository directory and install all dependencies. Also, install pyinstaller:
pip install pyinstaller
- At the command line, cd to main repository directory, making sure the venv is active, then enter one of the following, based on whether you are on Windows or Mac:
pyinstaller neurodemo_windows.spec
pyinstaller neurodemo_mac.spec
- This will create a subfolder "dist" containing a stand-alone executable that you can run by double-clicking. It will also create a subfolder "build" with intermediate files that you can generally ignore.
- The Windows executable should take 4-5 seconds to launch, during which it shows a splash screen. The splash screen feature is not compatible with Mac. The Mac version also might take curiously long to launch (almost 30 seconds). Not sure why, but it seems fine after that.
You can launch the demo from the terminal by navigating to the location where you extracted the source code (eg, cd Downloads\neurodemo\
) and then typing python
Windows: Open the folder where you extracted the neurodemo source code. Right click
and select "Open with..". Navigate to the location where you installed anaconda or miniconda (you may need to click something like "browse" or "choose another application" depending on your version of windows). Select python.exe
macOS: You can launch as above, or install the dmg file and just start the app.