title | output | bibliography | csl | nocite | vignette | ||||||||||
EWAS-fusion |
EWAS-fusion.bib |
american-journal-of-medical-genetics.csl |
@freund18, @raj18, @turner18, @zhao07, @zhao5069993
%\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteIndexEntry{EWAS-fusion} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8}
The title represents pipeline for Epigenomewide association study (EWAS) and Functional Summary-based Imputation (FUSION) association analyses.
Transcriptomewide association statistic
By analogy, an epigenomewide association statistic
graph TB;
SNP["LD reference panel (bed,bim,fam)"] --> |"EWAS reference panel(top1, blup, lasso, enet, bslmm)"| Methylation;
Methylation --> Trait;
SNP --> |"GWAS summary statistics (SNP, A1, A2, Z)"| Trait;
A total of 442,920 CpG sites based on Illumina humanmethylation450 chips on 1,.146 individuals in EPIC-Norfolk study were available. Among these, 1,117 individuals also had genotype data from Affymetrix BioBank Axiom chips. HapMap2 SNPs from genetic data of these individuals were extracted via PLINK2 according to cis-positions of each probe and subsequently used to build weight analogous to gene expression data as implemented in computer software TWAS. We filtered probes according to their heritabilities estimated from software GCTA at significant level of 0.01. We then performed EWAS for given GWAS summary statistics. The weight generation and methylation imputation was implemented in software called TWAS-pipeline, which allows for whole epigenome computation. After filtering, 78,133 probes reached significant level 0.01.
The FUSION framework has several advantages: First, it integrates heritability estimation and covariate adjustment for whole-chromosomes with additional models such as LASSO, elastic net, BLUP. Second, it offers cross-validation, joint/conditional analyses with the output also informing top hit SNPs and inferred methylation quantitative trait locus (meQTL). Besides, the new software uses modified GCTA software (gcta_nr_robust) leading to higher yield of probes with heritabilities reaching statistical significance, GEMMA giving BSLMM estimates and ability to align strands with reference panels. As both the increased number of models and cross-validation led to excessive computing time, we dropped BSLMM models and conducted five cross-validations. As a result our reference panel for EWAS imputation contains 77,372 probes reaching the heritability p value threshold of 0.01. The association as well as joint/conditional analysis using our weights and LD panel is implemented in software called EWAS-fusion. Like the original TWAS, our implementation will enable a range of GWAS summary statistics to be used coupled with downstream analysis.
EWAS-fusion is reminiscent of Mendelian Randomisation as shown below,
graph TB;
SNP --> |"EWAS reference panel(top1, blup, lasso, enet, bslmm)"| Methylation;
Methylation --> Trait;
SNP --> |"GWAS summary statistics (SNP, A1, A2, Z)"| Trait;
To begin, the software FUSION including dependencies such as
is required. The latest version also requires jlimR. Other facilities to be required are Sun grid engine (sge) or GNU parallel for Linux clusters. A summary is also available from here: https://jinghuazhao.github.io/software-notes/AA/. -
Install the repository on your system, you will need weights based on epigenetic data or to generate them as described in Weight generation below.
FILE | Description |
EWAS-weights/ | directory for EWAS weights |
glist-hg19 | Probe list |
LDREF/ | Reference for LD |
EWAS-weights.pos | Definition of regions |
EWAS-weights.profile* | Probe profiles |
It contains information about the probes but not directly involved in the association analysis. Earlier version of EWAS-fusion used EWAS/, RDat.pos, and RDat.profile.
The syntax is as follows,
ewas-fusion.sh input-file
These will send jobs to the Linux clusters. The sge error and output, if any, should be called EWAS.e and EWAS.o in your HOME directory.
The input file contains GWAS summary statistics similar to .sumstats as in LDSC with the following columns.
Column | Name | Description |
1 | SNP | RS id of SNPs |
2 | A1 | Effect allele (first allele) |
3 | A2 | Other allele (second allele) |
4 | Z | Z-scores, taking sign with repect to A1 |
The results will be in input-file.tmp/ directory.
This is furnished with contribution from Dr Alexia Cardona, [email protected], as follows,
Rscript ewas-annotate.R input-file.tmp
It is assumed that HumanMethylation450_15017482_v1-2.csv
is available from the directory containing ewas-annotate.R
but this can be at different location
Rscript ewas-annotate.R input-file.tmp manifest_location=/at/different/location
Q-Q and Manhattan plots using R/gap can be obtained from
Rscript ewas-plot.R input-file.tmp
The script test.sh uses data reported in @wood14. It downloads and generates an input file called height
to ewas-fusion.sh
ewas-fusion.sh height
The results will be in height.tmp/
once it is done.
The annotation is done with
Rscript ewas-annotate.R height.tmp
The Q-Q and Manhattan plots are generated with
Rscript ewas-plot.R height.tmp
This is a revised and much simplified implementation of codes available from TWAS-pipeline. Under our sge it is furnished with
qsub get_weight.qsub
qsub get_weight.qsub 22
for chromosome 22.
Inputs to these are summarised as follows,
File | Description |
FUSION.pheno | PLINK phenotype file containing data for all probes |
FUSION.covar | PLINK covariate file containing covariates such as PCs |
CpG.txt | CpG ID, chromosome and position |
In addition, PLINK binary pedigree file for each CpG also requires to be prepared, as in files. Although it was not done, it is possible to use code as in 1KG.sh to get around gerneration of these individual files by using a combined one. Note the setup takes advantage of the compact storage of non-genetic data.
The results will be available from the EWAS-fusion directory to be profiled and used for association analysis above. As the number of files is fairly large, cp_weight.qsub is written to put weights from their temporary directories in place while ewas-profile.sh profiles these weights as well as prepares for LDREF. For the version with FUSION, it can be done as follows,
wget -qO- https://data.broadinstitute.org/alkesgroup/FUSION/LDREF.tar.bz2 | tar xfj - --strip-components=1
seq 22|awk -vp=1000G.EUR. '{print p $1}' > merge-list
plink-1.9 --merge-list merge-list --make-bed --out FUSION
rm 1000G.EUR.* merge-list
sort -k2,2 FUSION.bim > EUR.bim
To mirror FUSION, which uses glist-hg19, an equivalent for EWAS needs to be built.
We wish to thank colleagues and collaborators for their invaluable contributions to make this work possible.
Additional information for Illumina infinium humanmethylation450 beadchip as in Illumina website
Column Name | Description |
Index | Probe Index |
TargetID | Identifies the probe name. Also used as a key column for data import. |
ProbeID_A | Illumina identifier for probe sequence A |
ProbeID_B | Illumina identifier for probe sequence B |
IlmnID | Unique CpG locus identifier from the Illumina CG database |
Name | Unique CpG locus identifier from the Illumina CG database |
AddressA_ID | Address of probe A |
AlleleA_ProbeSeq | Sequence for probe A |
AddressB_ID | Address of probe B |
AlleleB_ProbeSeq | Sequence for probe B |
Infinium_Design_Type | Defines Assay type - Infinium I or Infinium II |
Next_Base | Base added at SBE step - Infinium I assays only |
Color_Channel | Color of the incorporated baseá (Red or Green) - Infinium I assays only |
Forward_Sequence | Sequence (in 5'-3' orientation) flanking query site |
Genome_Build | Genome build on which forward sequence is based |
CHR | Chromosome - genome build 37 |
MAPINFO | Coordinates - genome build 37 |
SourceSeq | Unconverted design sequence |
Chromosome_36 | Chromosome - genome build 36 |
Coordinate_36 | Coordinates - genome build 36 |
Strand | Design strand |
Probe_SNPs | Assays with SNPs present within probe >10bp from query site |
Probe_SNPs_10 | Assays with SNPs present within probe ?10bp from query site (HM27 carryover or recently discovered) |
Random_Loci | Loci which were chosen randomly in the design proccess |
Methyl27_Loci | Present or absent on HumanMethylation27 array |
UCSC_RefGene_Name | Gene name (UCSC) |
UCSC_RefGene_Accession | Accession number (UCSC) |
UCSC_RefGene_Group | Gene region feature category (UCSC) |
UCSC_CpG_Islands_Name | CpG island name (UCSC) |
Relation_to_UCSC_CpG_Island | Relationship to Canonical CpG Island: Shores - 0-2 kb from CpG island; Shelves - 2-4 kb from CpG island. |
Phantom | FANTOM-derived promoter |
DMR | Differentially methylated region (experimentally determined) |
Enhancer | Enhancer element (informatically-determined) |
HMM_Island | Hidden Markov Model Island |
Regulatory_Feature_Name | Regulatory feature (informatically determined) |
Regulatory_Feature_Group | Regulatory feature category |
DHS | DNAse hypersensitive site (experimentally determined) |
These are IlluminaHumanMethylation450kanno.ilmn12.hg19 and IlluminaHumanMethylation450kmanifest as shown in minfiDataEPIC.
annotation.table <- getAnnotation(IlluminaHumanMethylation450kanno.ilmn12.hg19)
with IlluminaHumanMethylation450kanno.ilmn12.hg19
as follows,
IlluminaMethylationAnnotation object
array: IlluminaHumanMethylation450k
annotation: ilmn12
genomeBuild: hg19
Available annotation
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