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Subsonic Java Client

Maven Central Build Airsonic Integration Subsonic Integration codecov

A Java Client for the Subsonic API.


The client is based on the Subsonic API version 1.15.0. The used API version will automatically be adapted to match the server's API version if the server uses an older API version than 1.15.0. In this case only operations supported by the server's API version will work. A minimum server API version of 1.13.0 is still required.

The client is automatically being tested against the latest airsonic and subsonic servers during its build process. It should work with all servers that implement the Subsonic API.

Currently Supported Operations

Here's an overview of which operations this client currently supports. Note that depending on the implementation some servers may not support specific operations even it should be supported by the API version of the server. For example airsonic does not support any chat operations while subsonic does.

API Operation Supported
System ping yes
getLicense yes
Browsing getMusicFolders yes
getIndexes yes
getMusicDirectory yes
getGenres yes
getArtists yes
getArtist yes
getAlbum yes
getSong yes
getVideos no
getVideoInfo no
getArtistInfo no
getArtistInfo2 no
getAlbumInfo no
getAlbumInfo2 no
getSimilarSongs no
getSimilarSongs2 no
getTopSongs no
Album/song lists getAlbumList no
getAlbumList2 no
getRandomSongs no
getSongsByGenre no
getNowPlaying yes
getStarred no
getStarred2 no
Searching search no
search2 yes
search3 yes
Playlists getPlaylists yes
getPlaylist yes
createPlaylist yes
updatePlaylist yes
deletePlaylist yes
Media retrieval stream yes
download yes
hls no
getCaptions no
getCoverArt yes
getLyrics no
getAvatar yes
Media annotation star no
unstar no
setRating no
scrobble yes
Sharing getShares no
createShare no
updateShare no
deleteShare no
Podcasts getPodcasts no
getNewestPodcasts no
refreshPodcasts no
createPodcastChannel no
deletePodcastChannel no
deletePodcastEpisode no
downloadPodcastEpisode no
Jukebox jukeboxControl no
Internet radio getInternetRadioStations no
createInternetRadioStation no
createInternetRadioStation no
updateInternetRadioStation no
deleteInternetRadioStation no
Chat getChatMessages no
addChatMessage no
User management getUser yes
getUsers yes
createUser yes
updateUser yes
deleteUser yes
changePassword yes
Bookmarks getBookmarks no
createBookmark no
deleteBookmark no
getPlayQueue no
savePlayQueue no
Media library scanning getScanStatus yes
startScan yes



SubsonicPreferences preferences = new SubsonicPreferences("http://localhost:13013/airsonic", "username", "password");

Subsonic subsonic = new Subsonic(preferences);

Test connection

try {
    if(subsonic.testConnection()){"Succesfully connected to server!")
    } else {
        log.error("Failed to connect to server!")
} catch(SubsonicIncompatibilityException e) {
    log.error("The server is not compatible with the client! Please upgrade you server!")

Using the API

Every Subsonic API group has a corresponding method in the Subsonic class. For example to use the search3 operation from the Searching API group you do the following:

SearchResult3 searchResult = subsonic.searching().search3("Caravan Palace",

Some API operations have optional parameters. Their values will, in some cases, be directly passed as arguments but usually the method expects a param class. These param classes always have a static create method and multiple additional methods representing the parameters.

More examples

// Scan library and wait until finished

while (subsonic.libraryScan().getScanStatus().isScanning()){
// Fetch index and print it
List<Index> indexes = subsonic.browsing().getIndexes();

for (Index index : indexes) {
    for (Artist artist : index.getArtists()) {
        System.out.println("-- " + artist.getName());
// Stream first song from index
String firstArtistDirectoryId = indexes.get(0).getArtists().get(0).getId();

Directory directory = subsonic.browsing().getMusicDirectory(firstArtistDirectoryId);
Child child = directory.getchildren().get(0);

while (child.isDir()){
    directory = subsonic.browsing().getMusicDirectory(child.getId());
    child = directory.getchildren().get(0);

InputStream stream =;;
// Create a new user with stream and download roles
subsonic.users().createUser("testUser", "password", "[email protected]", 

Every other operation supported by this client can be used in a similar way.