A program to help the sysadmin to sync Gertec TC506M data across the servers.
- Python 3
- Fabric 3 - Remote routines
- JsonSchema - config.json validation
- cx_Freeze - Exe GUI Builder
- The server_images/ directory must be in the same place that the fabfile.py or gertec_tc506m_sync.exe (console mode/GUI mode);
- Copy the server_images/lab/ directory and paste inside server_images/ under the respective place name - This helps when you need to remember the last synced content with that place;
- Inside the directory, change the values inside the config.json to your servers credentials. You can register as many servers as you want;
"user": "root",
"hosts": [
"passwords": {
"[email protected]": "123456"
"host_port": 8600,
"image_dir": "tc506",
"host_image_path": "/var/www/"
- User will be global to all the servers;
- Hosts list;
- Hosts' passwords dict;
- Host port that your tc506 directory will be accessed;
- Which name your tc506 dir will have in the server;
- Where your tc506 dir will be put; (Usually in the httpd htdocs);
- Inside the tc506/ directory, you will put a valid tc506/ structure (video, audio, img, php files);
- To regenerate .exe, execute (with the packages listed in setup.py installed on your computer):
python setup.py build
- To run the GUI without generate the exe file:
python gertec_tc506m_sync.py
- To run inside console (inside the same directory than the fabfile.py with the dependencies installed):
fab goto:{dir_name_inside_server_images_directory} sync_servers
- Proper multilanguage support;
- Realtime content sync into terminal frame inside GUI;
- Multimedia optimization before send to the servers to ensure that uploaded media is valid/has proper quality for the device;
- Configuration inside the software;
- Files management inside the software;