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perroni ♻ tech | 2022 | MIT License

Live Reload

For developers, live_reload is a workspace setup that helps by detecting file changes in some directory and automatically restarting applications. Using shell script, pure Node.js and (only for browsers, if needed), can be used with many languages and frameworks, such as Node.js and Golang. If adapted, mostly any application and language that runs on Linux can be used.

Heavly inspired by nodemon, solves almost the same problems, bringing also the chance to be used out of Node.js projects.



Considering the watchDir and signalPath present on main.json along with other possible options to setup, the, called trough the npm start dev command on terminal, is able to find and exec the md5sum on the choosed folder, comparing them on a loop and emiting to the local/signal controllers, whenever a file has changed.

The same script is also responsible to call the main instance of the main.js, wich will use the spawn function of Node.js child_process to run the app, considering the watchConfig options, along with watch and writeFileSync functions of Node.js fs to receive and emit signals trough the files.

The main.js also can persist errors, logging them into local/debug files if debugOnConsole is false on main.json. This will hide errors from console but keep them on txt dated files. If debugOnConsole is true, errors will be displayed on console and not logged/persisted.

If you are developing an UI and need a browser to reload, you can set the workerWatch to true and the workerOrigin to your UI host URL. This will enable the Watch Worker, an server responsible for emitting the reload event to browsers. To setup the client side so they can reload, something as simple as the io.client sample will work (requires the lib also in the folder, linked on the app index.html).


  1. Clone the project:

    git clone
  2. Go to the root and install dependencies:

    cd live_reload
    npm i
  3. Run the default sample app_js in watch mode:

    # "dev" parameter required to the watch mode
    npm start dev
    # the following will start the app, but not watch/reload
    # npm start
  4. Go to http://localhost:3000/ and open the Console;

  5. Change something on app_js or app_static files, save and watch as server and browser reload;


  1. watchConfig

    Holds the properties that will be used as arguments to start the app (spawn the child_process)

    • mainCmd: 1st arg [defaults to "node"]
    • preArgs: Array of args to be passed after the 1st and before the entryPath
    • entryPath: Relative path to your app entry file [defaults to "./app_js/sample.js"]
    • postArgs: Array of args to be passed after the entryPath

  1. watchOptions

    Options to control behaviour of the live_reload

    • debugOnConsole: Control the error log display and persistence; If true will display errors on console and not persist; If false will hide errors from console but log and persist on txt files in local/debug [defaults to "false"]
    • signalPath: Path to folder that will hold the signal control files [defaults to "local/signal/"]
    • watchDir: List of relative path(s) to watch for changes [defaults to "./app_js ./app_static"]

  1. watchWorker

    Options for the Watch Worker server, wich can emit the reload event to a connected client

    • workerWatch: Switch on/off; If true will start the server and emit reload events on changes; If false will not start the server or emit events [defaults to "true"]
    • workerOrigin: UI/client host URL; Used to accept CORS on server [defaults to "http://localhost:3000"]


There are 2 Sample apps avaliable to help using and understanding the live_reload: the default app_js and the app_go

Both are simple Http Server apps, in different languages, that will serve a static UI avaliable on app_static

To change among then you can copy the app_js.main.json or app_go.main.jsoncontent to the main.json and restart the live_reload

  1. app_js: The following configs on main.json:

    "watchConfig": {
       "mainCmd": "node",
       "preArgs": [],
       "entryPath": "./app_js/sample.js",
       "postArgs": []
     "watchOptions": {
       "watchDir": "./app_js ./app_static"

    Will watch the server code on app_js, the client code on app_static and spawn a child_process similar as the terminal command:

    node ./app_js/sample.js
  2. app_go: The following configs on main.json:

    "watchConfig": {
       "mainCmd": "go",
       "preArgs": ["run"],
       "entryPath": "./app_go/sample.go",
       "postArgs": []
     "watchOptions": {
       "watchDir": "./app_go ./app_static"

    Will watch the server code on app_go, the client code on app_static and spawn a child_process similar as the terminal command:

    go run ./app_go/sample.go


To use the live_reload with your own app, copy the root folder and setup the main.json accordingly; If something goes wrong, check the main.js and, such as the helpers, to understand and try to adapt the strategy. If needed reach out so i can help!


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