Fixed The Z-probe update problems
Pre-releaseSome work done on the STL thumbnail ShellExtension
The STL thumbnail configuration is moved to separate Start-menu item
Solves some of the UAC problems when registering the STL Thumbnail #104
I will have to make new videos. The new design is so different and some functions are moved
Watch my YouTube channel ( )
The ShellExtension is replaced by the EZshellExtension
Use the Donate button and/or Patreon (
I will try to keep this Software "free-as-in-beer" with donations of 5$ or 10$ ( = the cost of a beer)
The donations will pay for the commersial components that I used and will be using in the furure
The donations also act as a "like-Delux" and keeps me motivated to develop more features in M3DpT