OpenQuoridorFramework is a set of libraries and applications to create bots for Quoridor, play against them and do a lot more cool stuff around Quoridor.
In this Version the OQF comes with five applications:
- PlayerVsBot: An application to play (as human) against an OQF-Bot
- ReplayViewer: An application to analize (review) a past game
- Network.DesktopClient: An application to play againt each other over LAN
- Network.LanServer: This application is the junction for the Network.DesktopClient
- Tournament: This application performs a tournament with any number of OQF-Bots
To write a OQF-Bot you have to implement the IQuoridorBot-Inteface which can be found at OQF.Bot.Contracts. You can get more detailed information from the help-pages of PlayerVsBot.
An exemplary implementation is the SimpleWalkingBot which is also part of this version of OQF.
- Matthias Drescher [[email protected]]
- Alexander Horn [[email protected]]
If you want to contribute to the OQF, contact a developer via E-Mail or Gitter-Chat
Planned applications:
- QuoridorWebPlay: A web-solution to play Quoridor
- PlayerVsBot: load a OQF-Bot from a Dll-file and play against the bot
- ReplayViewer: load a progress from a past game via progress-file or compressed progress string and review the past game
- Network:
- first: start and activate the LanServer
- second: start as many DesktopClients as you want in the local network, connect to the server and play against each other
- Tournament: load as many OQF-Bots as you want (with the "+"-Button) and start your tournament
Latest ChangeLog Entry:
[April 5th, 2017]
- PlayerVsBot (1.2)
- ReplayViewer (1.1)
- Network.DesktopClient (1.0.1)
- Network.LanServer (1.0)
- Tournament (0.4 Alpha)
- Initial Release (still alpha)
The boardgame Quoridor was created by Mirko Marchesi and is published by Gigamic.
Developed by bytePassion