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A PowerShell port of my zcmder theme for zsh.

A lot of this module's implementation uses the great work done by the authors of posh-git.


This module requires a minimum version of PowerShell 5.1 (a fresh install of Windows 10/11 should come with 5.1).


Clone this repository and add the following to the top of your $PROFILE script:

Import-Module path\to\zcmder-pwsh\Zcmder

Symbolic Link

To avoid using the full path with Import-Module, you can create a symbolic link to this module in your PowerShell module directory (usually $HOME\Documents\PowerShell\Modules).

You can ensure this directory is created with (be sure to note the path):

New-Item ([System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$env:PSModulePath.Split(';')[0]) -Confirm -ItemType Directory -Force -EA 0

To create a symbolic link, you need to use an admin prompt and run:

New-Item -Confirm -ItemType SymbolicLink -Path your\modules\Zcmder -Target path\to\zcmder-pwsh\Zcmder

Then you can just use Import-Module Zcmder in your $PROFILE script.


This module uses a global variable ZcmderOptions to manage configuration. This object (ZCOptions) has the following structure:

When the module is imported by Import-Module, the variable is reset to ensure proper initialization. To customize settings, set your desired values after calling Import-Module.

Example $PROFILE:

Import-Module Zcmder

# zcmder options
$ZcmderOptions.Colors.GitBranchDefault = 'DarkMagenta'  # use magenta for default git branch color
$ZcmderOptions.Colors.GitNewRepo.Background = '#2277ff'  # use RGB value for new repo bg color
$ZcmderOptions.Components.PythonEnv = $false  # disable python env component
$ZcmderOptions.Strings.GitSeparator = ''  # don't print 'on ' before git prompt
$ZcmderOptions.Strings.GitPrefix = ''  # use different branch icon
$ZcmderOptions.Styles.Cwd.Underline = $true # use underline effect on cwd component

The following tables explains each option and usage.


Controls general behavior of the prompt.

Key Type Usage
GitShowRemote bool Show the remote with git status (e.g., main:origin/main)
NewlineBeforePrompt bool Print an empty line before the next prompt (excluding the first prompt)
UnixPathStyle bool Does some naive string manipulation on the current working directory component to print Unix-style paths. This is purely aesthetic and does not affect anything in the shell.


Controls colors of the various items in the prompt.

Colors (ZCColor) are essentially a pair of color values, Foreground and Background. A color can be directly assigned to, implying a foreground color (e.g., $ZcmderOptions.Colors.Cwd = 'DarkRed'), or you can assign to the Foreground and Background properties directly (e.g., $ZcmderOptions.Colors.Cwd.Background = '#FFFFFF').

Valid colors have the following form:

  • ConsoleColor enum name (e.g., 'DarkRed' or 'White')
    • ConsoleColor names can be confusing: Dark<color> values are the "standard" colors, while <color> is the "bright" or "intense" variation
    • These values are converted to 256-color values (0-7 for standard, 8-15 for bright or intense)
  • 256-color integer value (e.g., 8 for "bright black" or 142 for Gold3, see this reference)
  • Hex RGB string '#RRGGBB'
  • $null for no color

Git status colors have the following priority:

  • GitStaged
  • GitUnmerged
  • GitUntracked
  • GitModified
  • GitNewRepo
  • GitBranchDefault
Key Type Usage
Caret ZCColor Default caret color
CaretError ZCColor Caret color when the last exit code was non-zero
Cwd ZCColor Color of the current working directory
CwdReadOnly ZCColor Color when the current working directory is read-only
GitBranchDefault ZCColor Default git status color
GitModified ZCColor Git status color when only tracked files are modified
GitNewRepo ZCColor Git status color when in a new repository
GitStaged ZCColor Git status color when all local changes are staged
GitUnmerged ZCColor Git status when there are unmerged changes
GitUntracked ZCColor Git status when untracked (dirty) files are present
PythonEnv ZCColor The color for current python environment name
UserAndHost ZCColor Color for both username and hostname components


Controls which components or segments of the prompt are printed.

Key Type Usage
Cwd bool Print the current working directory in the prompt
GitStatus bool Print a git status (if in a git repo) in the prompt
Hostname bool Print the hostname in the prompt
PythonEnv bool Print the current python environment (condaor venv) in the prompt
Username bool Print the username in the prompt


Controls values or tokens in each component that are printed.

Key Type Usage
Caret string Prompt string (the value printed directly before user input area)
CaretAdmin string Prompt string when running with elevated permissions
GitAheadPostfix string Printed when repo is ahead of upstream
GitBehindPostfix string Printed when repo is behind upstream
GitCleanPostfix string Printed when repo has no local changes
GitDirtyPostfix string Printed when repo contains unstaged changes
GitDivergedPostfix string Printed when repo is both ahead and behind (diverged from) upstream
GitLabelNew string Label to use for a new repository
GitPrefix string Prefix always printed for git status e.g., a branch icon or git(
GitSeparator string A separator or preamble before the git status is printed e.g., ' on '
GitStashedModifier string Printed when repo contains stashes
GitSuffix string Suffix always printed for git status e.g., )
ReadOnlyPrefix string Printed before current working directory when read-only


Controls effects (bold, italic, inverted, etc.) of the various items in the prompt.

A style (ZCStyle) contains boolean properties for each supported effect:

  • Bold: render bold or "intense" text (some terminals render this with "bright" colors and no font weight)
  • Dim: render faint text (some terminals treat this as bold)
  • Italic: render italicized text (some terminals treat this as inverse or blink effect)
  • Underline: render underlined text
  • Invert: swap background and foreground colors (this effect may not be supported by all terminals)


# enable all effects for cwd component
$ZcmderOptions.Styles.Cwd.Bold = $true
$ZcmderOptions.Styles.Cwd.Dim = $true
$ZcmderOptions.Styles.Cwd.Italic = $true
$ZcmderOptions.Styles.Cwd.Underline = $true
$ZcmderOptions.Styles.Cwd.Invert = $true

A helper function New-ZCStyle is provided to create a style with switches for each effect:

# use underline on caret
$ZCmderOptions.Styles.Caret = New-ZCStyle -Underline
# use all effects for cwd component
$ZcmderOptions.Styles.Cwd = New-ZCStyle -Bold -Dim -Italic -Underline -Invert
Key Type Usage
Caret ZCStyle Controls effects for the Caret component
Cwd ZCStyle Controls effects for the Cwd component
GitStatus ZCStyle Controls effects for the GitStatus component
PythonEnv ZCStyle Controls effects for the PythonEnv component
UserAndHost ZCStyle Controls effects for both Username and Hostname components

Note that not all terminal emulators support every effect listed. Some terminals (e.g., Windows Terminal) require explicitly adjusting settings to render certain effects.


You can display debug information with the Write-ZcmderDebugInfo cmdlet. This is useful if you get a PS> prompt (which indicates the prompt function had error output). The cmdlet will attempt to write the prompt and display error information.

The output of Write-ZcmderDebugInfo is particularly helpful to attach in issues:


Guid       2f55cab3-5190-4291-839a-4f45b5ae19b2
ModuleBase C:\Users\user\Documents\PowerShell\Modules\Zcmder
Name       Zcmder
Path       C:\Users\user\Documents\PowerShell\Modules\Zcmder\Zcmder.psm1
Version    0.2.3



\x1b[38;5;2m~/sample-repo\x1b[0m on \x1b[38;5;8m (new)\x1b[0m


Ahead     0
Behind    0
Changes   0
Dir       C:\Users\user\sample-repo\.git
Diverged  0
IsNew     True
Label     "(new)"
Modified  0
Remote    ""
Staged    0
Stashed   0
Unmerged  0
Untracked 0


Colors.Caret               {fg=Integer(8), bg=None}
UnixPathStyle              True


Parse git status                103.7931 ms
Render component: caret         0.9889 ms
Render component: cwd           29.7986 ms
Render component: git status    19.8342 ms
Render component: python env    0.6766 ms
Render component: user and host 2.4411 ms
Render full prompt              136.6042 ms

You may want to sanitize your username if it is captured in the output.


A PowerShell port of my zcmder theme for zsh







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