In a time of great conflict, new kingdoms are born in minds of ambitious rules and willing hearts of dedicated serfs.
Every great kingdom needs a powerful army, vivid homeland culture and thoughtful diplomacy.
Be ready to conquer civilizations and win extensive battles, in which the key to defeating your enemy will be both hands and minds.
Will you win by being a despotic tyrant or maybe by creating a web of secret pacts?
Will your kingdom story be written by romantic tales or fearful half lies?
Nevertheless, keep your kingdom in order and do not find your domain in the age of divisiveness.
- Python 3.8
- Arcade 2.5.2
- PyQt 5.10.1
- opencv-python
- Fun and complex tactics.
- Many interdependent mechanics.
- Client-Server architecture.
- Great pixel-art style graphics.
- Strong Civilization I and old Settlers vibe.
- Many players (for now on one PC).
- Many ways to rule your kingdom.
This is game-development framework arcade.
pip3 install arcade
pip3 install pyqt5
pip3 install opencv-python-headless
In main directory run.
This project is created as part of a university course on Wroclaw University of Science and Technology.