Release v1.16-b37
682 commits
to bleeding
since this release
NOTE: This is an unofficial build and includes bleeding edge features for testing.
Since Last Release:
- 74c6be6 (HEAD, tag: v1.16-b37, origin/bleeding) Marge from Upstream [bundabrg]
| * 0be2440 (origin/feature/plugins) Merge branch 'master' into feature/plugins [bundabrg]
| * 172a5a6 Add Fabric as a platform type (GeyserMC#1376) [Camotoy]
| * 90656a9 Jenkins improvements (GeyserMC#1368) [Camotoy]
| * ba6f174 Add support for fishing rods pulling Bedrock players (GeyserMC#1355) [Camotoy]
| * 772cb24 Forward keep alive packets to the client (GeyserMC#1344) [Camotoy]
| * 3c4cde9 Tipped arrow translation (GeyserMC#1331) [Camotoy]
| * aee9ccc DoorSoundInteractionHandler: ignore iron [trap]doors (GeyserMC#1343) [Camotoy]
| * 9bb52af BedrockRespawnTranslator: prevent some respawn bugs (GeyserMC#1346) [Camotoy]
| * a5b00e0 Villager trade fixes (GeyserMC#1350) [Camotoy]
| * 650c02e Remove 'geyser' from parameters when executing a command under Spigot, Bungeecord, Sponge, Velocity (GeyserMC#1266) [bundabrg] - be7e61f Update README [bundabrg]