Redux DevTools extension.
tidevice can be used to communicate with iPhone device
Recording all OC methods in the main thread takes time
Yet Another Mach-O Unused ObjC Selector/Class/Protocol Detector. 检测ObjC无用方法、无用类、无用协议。
A high-performance and convenient tool for processing local image or web image
A Way to control maxConcurrentCount of GCD concurrent queue by dispatch_semaphore
An Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone
A concise water wave animation process view.纯代码手写的一个现实充电进度的动画控件
一个支持多选、选原图和视频的图片选择器,同时有预览、裁剪功能,支持iOS6+。 A clone of UIImagePickerController, support picking multiple photos、original photo、video, also allow preview photo and video, support iOS6+
Image cropper like the one in WeChat
A Custom Design Loading Animation Project.
Library for replacing part/all HTTP response based on Nocilla.
UIWebView progress interface
wangyangcc / IMYWebView
Forked from li6185377/IMYWebViewUIWebView seamless switching to WKWebView