Final project for CS 418 By: Austin Hespe and Ben Eger
Special thanks to Professor Nicolas Renet for providing the AIS data files and tile_map.js, a small script for mapping coordinates to GUI map tiles.
To set up the project, add the MarineTraffic-main folder to your work directory. Then, unzip the MarineTraffic-main folder to reveal all of the subfolders and files.
Size | File | Description |
1K | package.json | Contains specific dependencies |
81K | package-lock.json | Contains all dependencies in the project |
4K | | README file that contains instructions |
Includes denmark_tiles subfolder.
Size | File | Description |
23M | aisdk_20201118_1000000.json.gz | 1M messages, for read ops tests |
4K | mapviews.json.gz | Tile metadata |
5K | ports.json.gz | Port descriptions (only within the geographical area covered by the tiles) |
14K | sample_input.json.gz | Contains sample ais_message data. |
8M | vessels.json.gz | Vessel descriptions |
1K | install.js | Script that unzips gz files and prepares it for download. |
3K | | README file that contains repeated instructions data installation. |
Contains all modules and dependencies for the project and a file.
Size | File | Description |
16K | dao.js | The data access object for the project |
2K | | Contains descriptions of the DAO queries. |
1K | tile_map.js | Contains a script file to get mapviews. |
Size | File | Description |
3K | | Contains descriptions of the tests used with the DAO. |
16K | test.js | Test scipt that checks the queries created in the 'dao.js' |
Unzip the node_modules folder to reveal all of the project dependencies.
Open cmd prompt or powershell.
Use 'cd' to parse to your downloaded work folder 'MarineTraffic-main' and then parse into the subfolder 'data':
cd .\MarineTraffic-main\data\
Then, run 'install.js' in node.js to unzip the json.gz files:
node install.js
Check the data folder to see if the json files unzipped correctly.
File |
aisdk_20201118_sliced_1000000.json |
mapviews.json |
ports.json |
sample_input.json |
vessels.json |
Then, you may either delete the old .json.gz files or keep them as a back up.
Next, use the following mongodb scripts to create a database.
mongoimport --drop -d AISTestData -c vessels --maintainInsertionOrder vessels.json mongoimport --drop -d AISTestData -c mapviews --maintainInsertionOrder mapviews.json mongoimport --drop -d AISTestData -c ports --maintainInsertionOrder ports.json mongoimport --drop -d AISTestData -c aisdk_20201118 --maintainInsertionOrder aisdk_20201118_sliced_1000000.json
Check to see if the database is correctly installed.
mongo AISTestData
show collections
show collections |
aisdk_20201118 |
mapviews |
ports |
vessels |
Open cmd prompt or powershell.
Use 'cd' to parse to your downloaded work folder 'MarineTraffic-main':
cd .\MarineTraffic-main\
Next, run npm test.
npm test
If all goes well, all tests should be passing!
Finally, exit the program.