This repository contains examples of using the Blazor3D Viewercomponent in the ASP.NET Core Blazor applications. If you want to find more tutorials, API Reference Guide etc., please, visit project webpage at
dotnet add package Blazor3D
With Package Manager
Install-Package Blazor3D
Or just download it from and add it as project reference.
See example here
- Add usings to the _Imports.razor or to your page
@using Blazor3D.Viewers
- Put Blazor3D Viewer component to your page
<Viewer UseDefaultScene=@true></Viewer>
See example here
- Add usings to the _Imports.razor or to your page
@using Blazor3D.Settings
@using Blazor3D.Scenes
@using Blazor3D.Lights
@using Blazor3D.Maths
@using Blazor3D.Materials
@using Blazor3D.Objects
@using Blazor3D.Geometires
@using Blazor3D.Enums
- Put the View3D component to you blazor application page and add some code
<div class="row justify-content-center">
<div class="col-6 v3d">
<Viewer @ref="View3D1" ViewerSettings=@settings Scene=scene />
@code {
private Viewer View3D1 = null!;
private Guid objGuid;
private ViewerSettings settings = new ViewerSettings()
ContainerId = "example1",
private Scene scene = new Scene();
protected override Task OnInitializedAsync()
scene.Add(new AmbientLight());
scene.Add(new PointLight()
Position = new Vector3
X = 1,
Y = 3,
Z = 0
scene.Add(new Mesh());
scene.Add(new Mesh
Geometry = new BoxGeometry
Width = 2,
Height = 0.5f
Position = new Vector3
X = -1,
Y = 1,
Z = -1
Rotation = new Euler
X = (float)(Math.PI / 4)
scene.Add(new Mesh
Geometry = new CircleGeometry(),
Position = new Vector3
X = 1,
Y = 1,
Z = -1
Scale = new Vector3(0.5f, 1f, 1f)
return base.OnInitializedAsync();
This example shows how to:
- Control the Blazor3D Viewer component's dimensions with CSS
- Add custom ViewerSettings
- Add user-defined scene, lights and meshes
This example shows how to:
- Control the Blazor3D Viewer component's dimensions with CSS and HTML element style
- Add user-defined scene and lights
- Import OBJ, Collada, FBX, GLTF models on button click