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This is an Ink! smartcontract implementing a coupon payments logic.


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🎟️ ✨ OCEX 🎁 👛

This is an Ink! smartcontract implementing a coupon payments logic.
With this contract you can emit coupons worth an amount of tokens for blockchain users to make exchange operations or payments.

Design and features

  • Contract set-up with owner, set by constructor's argument, or set caller by default.
  • After initialization the contract can be replenished with tokens that will be used for coupon redemption.
  • Adding new coupons:
    • Coupon is a sr25519 public key, with defined balance
    • If contract balance is enough it puts the coupon into storage and reserves the appropriate funds for redemption.
    • If contract balance is not enough the coupon is rejected for registration.
    • Multiple coupons can be registered at a time.
  • Coupon redemption:
    • User's coupon has a sr25519 secret key.
    • Before activation a coupon can be checked in the contract using it's public key - coupon status ('active' or 'burned') and coupon value will be delivered.
    • For payout - set receiver, coupon public key and private signature.
      • Signature is a receiver's wallet address encrypted with the private key of the coupon.
      • After send request if params & signature are valid, the contract unlocks reserved tokens and transfers them to connected receiver's wallet.
  • Owner methods:
    • An owner can get info about 'free' funds on the smartcontract (that are not reserved for registered coupons)
    • Free tokens (unused by coupons) can be transferred to owner's private address.
    • Ownership of the contract with all funds and liabilities can be transferred to another user.

How to

Install Prerequisites

Please follow installation instructions provided here.

Clone this repo

git clone

Compile + Run Tests

cd ocex-smartcontract
cargo +nightly test --features=test

Build Contract + metadata

cargo +nightly contract build

Video guide

Video guide link: mq1

Resolve common errors

You may encounter compilation or optimization errors in wasm builds. Build tested on nightly-2022-08-08 toolchain, with rustc 1.64.0 (a55dd71d5 2022-09-19) version, if you have compilation errors try changing the toolkit and compiler version to the specified one. Also you need wasm target and dylint. For install specified toolchain & targets run:

rustup toolchain install nightly-2022-08-08
rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown
cargo install cargo-dylint

In case you get a compilation error during the wasm optimization step, make sure you have binaryen installed.

Building in Docker

As an alternative to the standard build, you can build the smartcontract in a docker. For contract build and copy run the following commands in the source code dir:

docker build -t ocex-contract .
docker create -ti --name ocex ocex-contract bash
docker cp ocex:/contract/target/ink/ocex.contract ~/ocex.contract

Build signature helper

Simple cli tool for making coupon redemption signature. Set a contract address, coupon secret key and funds receiver's address.

cargo +nightly build --examples --features=test

...and then use it like

./target/debug/examples/make-coupon-signature \
  --contract 5Ev9VH31P4asHN11VkWRSsBZNFBy82PxU9TTLEehfKt27sQG \
  --coupon 0x398f0c28f98885e046333d4a41c19cee4c37368a9832c6502f6cfd182e2aef89 \
  --receiver 5FLSigC9HGRKVhB9FiEo4Y3koPsNmBmLJbpXg2mp1hXcS59Y

Deploy on testnet

First setup and start substrate-contracts-node, go to Polkadot Portal UI for setting up a test contract.

After creating an instance of the contract on the blockchain you can use a core owner from test accounts list like Alice. After that you need to send funds to the contract. Now you can call contract's methods from Polkadot Portal UI.

Example usage

  • Instantiate new contract with Alice owner.
  • Send funds to the contract. Coupons can not be created without providing liquidity.
  • From Polkadot Portal UI call addCoupon method, for field coupon set user Bob - this is our first coupon public key.
  • For amount set the allowed coupon amount, if amount greater than contract balance - the sending will be rejected.
  • Call method with Execute action on Polkadot Portal UI.
  • After adding a coupon you can check coupon Bob with checkCoupon method that returns a tuple of the coupon's statuses, (is_active, amount)
  • Try to activate the coupon with make-coupon-signature helper, described in the past article. You can check Bob secret key with subkey tool.
~ subkey inspect //Bob
Secret Key URI `//Bob` is account:
  Network ID:        substrate 
  Secret seed:       0x398f0c28f98885e046333d4a41c19cee4c37368a9832c6502f6cfd182e2aef89
  Public key (hex):  0x8eaf04151687736326c9fea17e25fc5287613693c912909cb226aa4794f26a48
  Account ID:        0x8eaf04151687736326c9fea17e25fc5287613693c912909cb226aa4794f26a48
  Public key (SS58): 5FHneW46xGXgs5mUiveU4sbTyGBzmstUspZC92UhjJM694ty
  SS58 Address:      5FHneW46xGXgs5mUiveU4sbTyGBzmstUspZC92UhjJM694ty
  • We know the secret key for Bob coupon is 0x398f0c28f98885e046333d4a41c19cee4c37368a9832c6502f6cfd182e2aef89 and after that we can call command like that.
./target/debug/examples/make-coupon-signature \
  --contract <YOU_CONTRACT_ADDRESS> \
  --coupon 0x398f0c28f98885e046333d4a41c19cee4c37368a9832c6502f6cfd182e2aef89 \
  --receiver <RECEIVER_ADDRESS>
  • Now call activateCoupon method, set the selected receiver, select coupon Bob and set the signature from the previous command.
  • Execute in Polkadot Portal UI and congrats! Funds were transferred to the receiver's account.

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This is an Ink! smartcontract implementing a coupon payments logic.








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