run bin/
to get sauce.
- Install homebrew (
- And bash-completion (brew install bash-completion)
- Lists custom sourced init files
- Lists your custom sourced aliases
- If they are defined as "^alias name='fancy stuff' # And a description"
- Lists your custom sourced functions
- If they are defined as "function name() { # And a description"
- NB! Helper functions prepended with _ are ignored.
- Shows where a custom alias or function is defined
- Pretty prints the function or alias with syntax sugar
- Shows current completion
- $SRC_DIR must be set in some sourced file
- src will let you cd into $SRC_DIR with autocompletion
- Powerline fonts and BASH 4.2+ are both recomended [](
- If you're missing any of those, run 'prompt_toggle_powerline' to adapt.
- Also, if you are on osx -> 'brew install bash' add "/usr/local/bin/bash" to /etc/shells and run 'chsh -s /usr/local/bin/bash'
- Left and right side prompt.
- PrettyPath, GitInfo, user+host, execution time of last command and current time.
- Shows current branch or short hash for HEAD
- Shows the current state:
- for modified files
- for added files
- ? for untracked files
- for deleted files