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The ibd-cluster program uses multi-individual identity by descent to cluster haplotypes

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The ibd-cluster program infers multi-individual identity by descent (IBD) from phased sequence data. The ibd-cluster program is able to analyze biobank data with hundreds of thousands of individuals.

Version 0.2 of ibd-cluster incorporates a probabilistic model and is more accurate than version 0.1

Last updated: February 27, 2025
Version: 0.2.0



You can download the most recent version of the ibd-cluster program with the command:


or you can download and compile the source files and create the ibd-cluster.jar file with the commands:

git clone
javac -cp ibd-cluster/src/ ibd-cluster/src/ibdcluster/
jar cfe ibd-cluster.jar ibdcluster/ClustMain -C ibd-cluster/src/ ./

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Running ibd-cluster

The ibd-cluster program requires Java version 1.11 (or a later version). Use of an earlier Java version may produce an "Unsupported Class Version" error.

The command:

java -jar ibd-cluster.jar

prints a summary of the command line arguments.

To run ibd-cluster, enter the following command:

java -Xmx[GB]g -jar ibd-cluster.jar [arguments]

where [GB] is the number of gigabytes of memory available for the analysis, and [arguments] is a space-separated list of parameters. Each parameter has the form name=value.

The shell script run.ibd-cluster.test will run an ibd-cluster test analysis.

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Required Parameters

The ibd-cluster program has three required parameters:

  • gt=[file] where [file] is a Variant Call Format (VCF) file containing a GT FORMAT subfield. All genotypes must be phased, have the phased allele separator ('|'), and have no missing alleles. If your data is unphased, you can phase your data with the Beagle program. A VCF record may have multiple ALT alleles. Any input VCF records that are outside the genetic map are excluded from the analysis (see the map parameter). If the VCF filename ends in ".gz" or ".bgz", the VCF file is assumed to be compressed with gzip. If the VCF filename ends in ".bref3", the VCF file is assumed to be compressed with bref3.

  • map=[file] where [file] is a PLINK format genetic map with cM units for the chromosome or chromosomes in the input VCF file. We recommend the deCODE genetic map [1] for ibd-cluster analyses of human data. The ibd-cluster program uses linear interpolation to estimate the genetic position of loci between map positions. Any input VCF records that are outside the genetic map are excluded from the analysis. Each chromosome identifier in the input VCF file must match a chromosome identifier in the map file. If the map filename ends in ".gz", the map file is assumed to be compressed with gzip.

  • out=[string] where [string] is the output filename prefix.

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Optional Parameters

Data Parameters

The following three optional parameters restrict the data that will be analyzed:

  • chrom=[chrom]:[start]‑[end] specifies the chromosome or chromosome interval to be analyzed: [chrom] is the CHROM identifier in the input VCF file, [start] is the first base pair position in the interval, and [end] is the last base pair position in the interval. An entire chromosome, the beginning of a chromosome, or the end of a chromosome may be specified with "chrom=[chrom]", "chrom=[chrom]:‑[end]", and "chrom=[chrom]:[start]‑" respectively. If no chrom parameter is specified, all records in the input VCF file will be analyzed.

  • excludesamples=[file] where [file] is a text file containing samples (one sample per line) to be excluded from the analysis.

  • excludemarkers=[file] where [file] is a text file containing markers (one marker identifier per line) to be excluded from the analysis. A marker identifier can be an identifier from the VCF record ID field, or it can be a VCF record's CHROM and POS fields separated by a colon (i.e. "CHROM:POS").

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Algorithm Parameters

All algorithm parameters are optional and have sensible default values.

  • min-maf=[0.0 < number ≤ 0.5] specifies the minimum minor allele frequency. Markers with minor allele frequency less than the minimum frequency will be excluded from the analysis. For multi-allelic markers, the minor allele frequency is defined to be the second-largest allele frequency (default: min-maf=0.1).

  • min-ibs-cm=[number > 0.0] specifies the minimum centimorgan length of an identity-by-state (IBS) segment from which the endpoints of an identity-by-descent (IBD) segment will be estimated (default: min-ibs-cm=1.0).

  • min-ibd-cm=[number > 0.0] specifies the minimum centimorgan length of an identity-by-descent (IBD) segment (default: min-ibd-cm=1.0).

  • pbwt=[integer > 0] specifies the number of interleaved Positional Burrows-Wheeler Transform analyses that will be performed (default: pbwt=4).

  • trim=[number ≥ 0.0] specifies the centimorgan length that will be trimmed from each end of an IBD segment (default: trim=0.5).

  • discord=[0.0 < number < 1.0] specifies the probability that two alleles in a pairwise IBD segment are discordant (default: discord=0.0005).

  • out-cm=[number > 0.0] specifies the centimorgan distance between consecutive output positions (default: out-cm=0.02).

  • nthreads=[integer ≥ 1] specifies the number of computational threads. The default nthreads parameter is the number of CPU cores.

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Output files

The ibd-cluster program produces two output files: a log file, and an ibdclust file.

The log file (.log) contains a summary of the analysis. The summary includes:

  • the analysis parameters
  • the number of haplotypes after sample filtering
  • the number of VCF records after marker filtering
  • the number of positions in the ibdclust output file
  • the mean number of IBD clusters per output position
  • the allele discordance rate within trimmed IBD segments

The ibdclust file (.ibdclust.gz) reports the IBD cluster indices for each haplotype at a sequence of equally-spaced genomic positions. Each line of the ibdclust file is tab-delimited. The first line is a header line which describes the data in each column. The fields of the header line are "CHROM", "POS", "CM" and the sample identifiers from the input VCF file. Each subsequent line contains the chromosome identifier, base coordinate, and centimorgan coordinate of a genomic locus and two IBD cluster indices, separated by '|', for each sample (one IBD cluster index for each haplotype). The order of a sample's two IBD cluster indices at a locus matches the order of the sample's two haplotypes in the input VCF file.

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The ibd-cluster program is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License). You may obtain a copy of the License from

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If you use ibd-cluster in a published analysis, please report the program version printed in the log file and cite the article describing the ibd-cluster method:

S R Browning, B L Browning (2025). Estimating gene conversion rates from population data using multi-individual identity by descent. bioRxiv 2025.02.22.639693; doi:


[1] Halldorsson BV, Palsson G, Stefansson OA, Jonsson H, Hardarson MT, Eggertsson HP, Gunnarsson B, Oddsson A, Halldorsson GH, Zink F, Gudjonsson SA, Frigge ML, Thorleifsson G, Sigurdsson A, Stacey SN, Sulem P, Masson G, Helgason A, Gudbjartsson DF, Thorsteinsdottir U, Stefansson K. Characterizing mutagenic effects of recombination through a sequence-level genetic map. Science. 2019 Jan 25;363(6425):eaau1043. doi: 10.1126/science.aau1043. PMID: 30679340.



The ibd-cluster program uses multi-individual identity by descent to cluster haplotypes






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