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Jeremy Zilar edited this page May 22, 2020 · 1 revision

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People are all the authors, artists, writers, critics, poets, filmmakers, photographers, dancers, musicians, etc... that encounter the Rail in one way or another.

Adding People

To add a new person, go to "People" in Workflow and add a "New Person".

Display Name (required)

The Display Name is how a person will be named when published in the Rail. This is the name that will appear as the byline, which could be different from the First Name and Last name in a wide variety of ways. Here is an example.

Dr. Charles Schultz

First Name

The person should be comfortable with being referred to by this name (e.g. Dear Charles vs Dear Charlie).

There are two cases where we might use this in the future:

  • on the website where it is already clear what the person's full name is (Author or Artist page)
  • In a personalized email to readers (e.g. "Dear Charlie, thank you")

Last Name

The best approximation of the person's last name. Leave blank if needed.


If this person has provided us with their pronoun(s), we can add them here and they'll be displayed alongside their name on the site. Leave it blank if we did not get it directly from the person. Learn more at

Short Bio

There is a 240 character limit on short bios. Do not use the person's name in the short bio.


If used, it will be assumed that it's safe to publish.


Where readers can go to learn more about this person's work.


Enter the username without the @ symbol [e.g. brooklynrail]


Enter the username without the @ symbol [e.g. brooklynrail]


I removed this as an option. Let me know if it should come back.


This could be a helpful field for people who are arts administrators, as it might be the only public profile that someone has.

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