Generate an interactive heatmap matrix based on text reuse data
Requirements: Uses built-in Python 2.7 modules, with the exception of slugify, which must be installed separately.
The Plotly.js Javascript library renders the heatmaps, and is included in the repository along with its various dependencies (D3.js, jQuery, etc.).
Running (see below for usage) generates the requisite output files (itext_sim.txt, bin_labels.txt, and the files in the binsJSON/ folder) to populate the interactive heatmap, which can be viewed by opening itextmap.html in a web browser, provided it's in a web-accessible folder (e.g., http://localhost/~yourname/ReuseMapper/itextmap.html) or is being served via a simple server like node.js's simple-server module.
Note: Changing the --bins parameter can have a major effect on the resulting heatmap (see screenshots below).
usage: [-h] [--version] [--bins BINS] [--url URL] [--no_cache]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--version show program's version number and exit
--bins BINS The number of "bins" on each dimension of the matrix. Affects
the resolution of the heatmap. Default=1000.
--url URL The URL (with port number) of the running Intertextualitet
service. Default=http://localhost:8080/
--no_cache Do not use the previous results from the API that are stored
locally. Will re-download all data. Default behavior is to use
the cache.
--get_texts Use to download the full text of each document. Can take a long
time. Default behavior is not to download the texts. also generates a summary of "commonly used phrases" in the output file itext_phrases.txt.
This script can be used to merge two matrix files, for example itext_sim.txt produced by and a dist_sim.txt output file from TextHeatmapper, for example, provided they have the same dimensions. It produces a merged matrix file, imerged_sim.txt that can be used with the Plotly.js viewer (see for example Screenshot 3), provided the link in the source code of itextmap.js is changed from "itext_sim.txt" to "imerged_sim.txt".