Issue or PR that suggests changes to 3rd party dependencies
Issue or PR that's related to AppImage changes
Issue or PR related to audacious, pulseaudio, and other audio components
Issues and PRs related to build system (CMake) and process
Issue or PR related to cairo
Issue or PR that's related to CPU or process tracking
Issue or PR that affects dependencies
Issue or PR that suggests changes to disk I/O
Issue or PR related to console backend
Issue or PR related to file backend
Issue or PR related to HTTP backend
Issue or PR related to ncurses backend
Issue related to Wayland backend
Issue related to X11 backend
Issue or PR that suggests documentation improvements
Issue that suggests an enhancement
Issue or PR that suggests/modifies extras
Issue or PR that suggest changing GitHub actions
Pull requests that come from GitHub actions
Great issues for first-time contributors
Issue with which contributors need help
Issue or PR that affects JavaScript code
Issue or PR related to Lua code
Issue or PR related to mail status capabilities
Issue or PR related to mouse events
Issue that's waiting for more details from reporter
Issue or PR related to networking support
Issue or PR related to nvidia cards