This MERN stack implementation creates a small web application that lets users register, login, view a home page, and logout.
Under users/server/create .env file that looks similar to this: DB_URL = mongodb+srv:// ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET = xb3tim8rnIdoMMJfGNaqMxHX6zyWGBrR To do this, you need to create an MongoDB Atlas account, a collection, and a database.
The DB_URL comes from signing up for an MongoDB Atlas account and creating a cluster. Under database select the cluster (likely cluster0 if it is your first one) and select Connect. Select connect your application, driver=Node.js. You will see the database connection string in this window.
Generate a unique JWT access token for ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET
Start the back end by going to users/server and executing npm start. Start the front end by going to ui and executing npm start.
The Front End runs on port 8096 which is specified in ui/.env The land page is at http://localhost:8096/
The back end runs on port 8081. This is specified in user/server/server.js The back provides access to user information through a RESTful API.