A Unix command interpreter written in C. It does everything you would want from a command interpreter, so long as you don't want pipes, redirections, auto-completion, or command history. (That's all coming up in version 2: a fully immersive shell simulator harnessing the full power of termcaps that's so real you'll forget you've left the comfort of zsh!).
WELL, THEN! What does it do?
It does quite a lot actually! Beyond just lunching programs with execve()!.
- Has useful builtin functions cd, echo, env, setenv, unsetenv, exit, clear.
- It keeps track of the environment.
- Manages the path, pwd, oldpwd, shlvl, and shell environment variables.
- Handles errors gracefully.
- Handles Ctrl+C to give back a fresh prompt after you've typed a bunch of stuff that you want to discard.
- Handles multiple command execution when separated with ';'.
That actually doesn't sound like that much...
Well, you'll have a pretty difficult time getting it to crash, if that's what you're trying to do. Go ahead and try it out!
How to run meh$h:
git clone https://github.com/brianbauer42/mehShell.git
cd mehShell
Despite the name, I'm proud of my stalwart meh$hell and looking forward to improving it.
100% leak free guaranteed!