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Research compendium of the article: A plataform for land use and land cover data integration and trajectory analysis

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A plataform for land use and land cover data integration and trajectory analysis

rc Binder Docker Pulls

This repository is a Research Compendium (RC), with all the materials (codes, data, and computational environment) required for the reproduction and evaluation of the results presented in the article:

Zioti et al. (2021). A plataform for land use and land cover data integration and trajectory analysis. Paper submitted for International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation (2021).

Compendium content

The directory analysis, centralizes the codes and data used in the RC. It has two subdirectories, the first of which, analysis/data, stores the input and output data in the following structure:

The second analysis subdirectory is the analysis/scripts directory, which stores the codes for this RC. It has the following elements:

Besides these directories, there are also files used for the specification of the computing environment needed to run the Jupyter Notebooks:

  • docker-compose.local.yml: File with instructions for building and running the Docker environment provided in this RC;

  • docker-compose.dockerhub.yml (No local build required): File with instructions for running the Docker environment provided in this RC. Uses the Docker Image provided on DockerHub;

  • environment.yml: Conda environment description file, with the dependencies and their versions, used in the production of the results of the article and necessary for the reproduction of the results of the article;

  • Dockerfile: Docker Image specification file. It is based on the packages and versions specified in the environment.yml file.

In addition to these, there is also the Makefile where the workflow of this RC is modeled.


This section will present the steps required to use the code and data materials provided in this RC. First, the configuration of the environment needed to run the codes will be done. Next, we will present the available ways to run the codes. The details of each of these steps are described in the sections below.


During the production of this RC, the code execution to obtain the results was done based on an environment with several software libraries installed. To make the codes execution and the results generated reproducible, we prepared a description of the environment used, declaring the software libraries used and their versions. With this description, others can run the codes in this RC from the same software libraries, avoiding possible incompatibility.

To produce the environment description, we first organized and specified all the software and versions used to make the paper’s results. We do this with the Conda package manager because it allows the management of packages of both languages used in the paper (R and Python). The result is the file environment.yml, which describes all the versions and packages used. Next, we used this environment description to produce a Docker Image, in which all the packages described in the file environment.yml were installed. To enable the interactive use of the generated environment, the Docker Image created was based on the Docker Image jupyter/base-notebook:lab-3.1.13, in which the installation of JupyterLab was available. With JupyterLab, users can interact with the environment through an interactive, high-level interface with features that facilitate code and data analysis. The connection of each of these elements in the produced environment is depicted in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Environment building flow.

At the moment the Docker Image is being generated, all the RC components are copied into it. This way, when accessing the JupyterLab interface to use the environment, the user already has available, in a directory named wlts-paper, the whole RC. Figure 2 shows the JupyterLab interface, which is made available to the user, along with the RC contents listed from the wlts-paper directory.

Figure 2. Environment wlts-paper directory.

This way of specifying and making the environment available, based on Docker, allows the material in this RC, especially the codes, to be used in the same way as the authors did during the production of the results. The configuration and use of this environment can be done in several ways. In the topics below, we will present some of the ways to configure and use this environment.

The different approaches presented below, used for configuring and running the environment, do not change its content. Thus, all the properties defined above are valid for any of the ways of configuring the environment.


The first available option for using the computational environment is with Binder, a tool that allows the creation and sharing of executable environments from code repositories. With Binder, all you need to do to access the executable environment of this RC is click on the icon below:


When you access the link, the Binder will create the executable environment with the same libraries and versions specified in the environment.yml file. When the environment is ready for use, you will have to access it via a JupyterLab interface. The JupyterLab page that you will have access to is shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3. JupyterLab on Binder.

After accessing the environment, you are ready to run these environments. To understand how the code is organized and how it can be executed, please go to Section Workflow execution.

Extra: Using the link mentioned above summarizes the operations and makes access to the environment direct. If the reader is interested, the step-by-step instructions for using Binder are available below. We recommend using this material as a reference to the behavior that Binder should exhibit throughout the environment configuration steps.

Step-by-step environment setup in Binder

This step-by-step is an extended version of the tutorial presented earlier on using the computing environment with Binder. If your environment is already working, we recommend that you skip these steps

To get started, go to

Figure 4.

On the page, enter in the GitHub repository name or URL field the repository address of this RC:

Now, click on the launch button.

Figure 5. RC repository configuration.

When you click launch, Binder will start loading the repository and building the environment you will work. The process may take a few minutes. At the end of the operation, the loading bar will reach the end, where the option (in green) Launching will be presented:

Figure 6. RC repository launching.

After the building process, the environment is loaded, and you are redirected to the JupyterLab page:

Figure 7. JupyterLab frontpage on Binder.

Local machine (with DockerHub Image)

During the production of this RC, all testing was performed using the Linux environment. Therefore, the commands below may change slightly on other operating systems.

The second option available is to use the RC environment directly on the user’s machine via Docker. In this option, the user runs the Docker Image of this RC made available on DockerHub, which is ready to use, requiring no build steps. Below are the steps required to use this approach.

The steps presented below assume that the user has installed the Docker and Docker Compose tools. If you have not installed them, please refer to the official documentation for each of these tools:

  1. Install Docker Engine;
  2. Install Docker Compose.

Additionally, the user is expected to have git installed on the machine. If you do not, please refer to the git official documentation to do the installation.

The versions of each of these tools used in the production of this material are available below.

Docker, Docker Compose, and Git versions used for the production of this RC.


git --version

#> git version 2.27.0


docker version

#> Client: Docker Engine - Community
#>  Version:           20.10.8
#>  API version:       1.41
#>  Go version:        go1.16.6
#>  Git commit:        3967b7d
#>  Built:             Fri Jul 30 19:54:09 2021
#>  OS/Arch:           linux/amd64
#>  Context:           default
#>  Experimental:      true

#> Server: Docker Engine - Community
#>  Engine:
#>   Version:          20.10.8
#>   API version:      1.41 (minimum version 1.12)
#>   Go version:       go1.16.6
#>   Git commit:       75249d8
#>   Built:            Fri Jul 30 19:52:16 2021
#>   OS/Arch:          linux/amd64
#>   Experimental:     false
#>  containerd:
#>   Version:          1.4.9
#>   GitCommit:        e25210fe30a0a703442421b0f60afac609f950a3
#>  runc:
#>   Version:          1.0.1
#>   GitCommit:        v1.0.1-0-g4144b63
#>  docker-init:
#>   Version:          0.19.0
#>   GitCommit:        de40ad0

Docker Compose

docker-compose --version

#> docker-compose version 1.28.2, build 67630359

To use this local approach, the first step is to download the repository for this RC. To do this, in a terminal on your machine, use git and clone the repository:

git clone

#> Cloning into 'wlts-paper'...
#> remote: Enumerating objects: 263, done.
#> remote: Counting objects: 100% (263/263), done.
#> remote: Compressing objects: 100% (186/186), done.
#> remote: Total 263 (delta 94), reused 235 (delta 68), pack-reused 0
#> Receiving objects: 100% (263/263), 14.32 MiB | 14.56 MiB/s, done.
#> Resolving deltas: 100% (94/94), done.

After the clone, in the directory you are in, there should be a directory named wlts-paper:

ls -l

#> drwxrwxr-x 5 felipe felipe 4096 out  6 16:15 wlts-paper

Access this directory and view its contents:

cd wlts-paper

ls -l
#> drwxrwxr-x 4 felipe felipe  4096 out  6 16:15 analysis
#> -rw-rw-r-- 1 felipe felipe   261 out  6 16:15 docker-compose.dockerhub.yml
#> -rw-rw-r-- 1 felipe felipe   324 out  6 16:15 docker-compose.local.yml
#> -rw-rw-r-- 1 felipe felipe   735 out  6 16:15 Dockerfile
#> -rw-rw-r-- 1 felipe felipe 10895 out  6 16:15 environment.yml
#> drwxrwxr-x 4 felipe felipe  4096 out  6 16:15 figures
#> -rw-rw-r-- 1 felipe felipe  3821 out  6 16:15 Makefile
#> -rw-rw-r-- 1 felipe felipe 46436 out  6 16:15
#> -rw-rw-r-- 1 felipe felipe 47304 out  6 16:15 README.Rmd
#> -rw-rw-r-- 1 felipe felipe   226 out  6 16:15 wlts-paper.Rproj

In the wlts-paper directory, notice the docker-compose.dockerhub.yml file; this contains the instructions for running a Docker Container from the image of this RC that is available on DockerHub. So, use this file to run this RC environment:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.dockerhub.yml up

If everything is correct so far, running the above command should produce the output shown below:


wlts-paper-environment-container |     
wlts-paper-environment-container |     To access the server, open this file in a browser:
wlts-paper-environment-container |         file:///home/jovyan/.local/share/jupyter/runtime/jpserver-8-open.html
wlts-paper-environment-container |     Or copy and paste one of these URLs:
wlts-paper-environment-container |         http://6fec052c07e8:8888/lab?token=b49897a7c22065285d3b9d942ffd86921eef44dbb64eeabc
wlts-paper-environment-container |      or

This information allows access to the JupyterLab page. So, to access this environment, copy the URL displayed in your terminal output that includes the Jupyter access token. The copied address should look like the one shown below:

Remember that this address and token vary with each run, so copy it from your terminal. If you try to log in with the token shown below, you will have problems using Jupyter.

After copying the URL, access it using any browser of your choice. As an example, to access this URL with firefox, you can use the command in the terminal:


When you go there, you should see the JupyterLab page (Figure 3). Once you have done this, you are ready to start executing the code in this RC. Go to the Section Workflow execution.

Local machine (with Docker build)

During the production of this RC, all testing was performed using the Linux environment. Therefore, the commands below may change slightly on other operating systems.

As an alternative version of the option presented in subsection Local machine (with DockerHub Image), this third option is also available. In this option, analogous to the previous subsection, the user downloads the RC content to his machine and runs it from a Docker Container with all the environment configured and ready to use. The difference in this third alternative is that the Docker Image version is created on the user’s machine, and no ready-to-use image is used.

The steps for using this approach are presented below.

This approach is recommended for users who already know Docker and want to rebuild the environment from scratch.

To use this local approach with Docker Image build, the first step is to download the repository for this RC. To do this, in a terminal on your machine, use git and clone the repository:

git clone

#> Cloning into 'wlts-paper'...
#> remote: Enumerating objects: 263, done.
#> remote: Counting objects: 100% (263/263), done.
#> remote: Compressing objects: 100% (186/186), done.
#> remote: Total 263 (delta 94), reused 235 (delta 68), pack-reused 0
#> Receiving objects: 100% (263/263), 14.32 MiB | 14.56 MiB/s, done.
#> Resolving deltas: 100% (94/94), done.

After the clone, in the directory you are in, there should be a directory named wlts-paper:

ls -l

#> drwxrwxr-x 5 felipe felipe 4096 out  6 16:15 wlts-paper

Access this directory and view its contents:

cd wlts-paper

ls -l
#> drwxrwxr-x 4 felipe felipe  4096 out  6 16:15 analysis
#> -rw-rw-r-- 1 felipe felipe   261 out  6 16:15 docker-compose.dockerhub.yml
#> -rw-rw-r-- 1 felipe felipe   324 out  6 16:15 docker-compose.local.yml
#> -rw-rw-r-- 1 felipe felipe   735 out  6 16:15 Dockerfile
#> -rw-rw-r-- 1 felipe felipe 10895 out  6 16:15 environment.yml
#> drwxrwxr-x 4 felipe felipe  4096 out  6 16:15 figures
#> -rw-rw-r-- 1 felipe felipe  3821 out  6 16:15 Makefile
#> -rw-rw-r-- 1 felipe felipe 46436 out  6 16:15
#> -rw-rw-r-- 1 felipe felipe 47304 out  6 16:15 README.Rmd
#> -rw-rw-r-- 1 felipe felipe   226 out  6 16:15 wlts-paper.Rproj

In the wlts-paper directory, notice the docker-compose.local.yml file. This file contains the instructions for building and running this RC environment. So, with Docker Compose, use this file to build the Docker Image environment:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.local.yml build --no-cache

After the build, the Docker Image brazildatacube/wlts-paper-environment:0.1-local should be available in your environment. So when you list the Docker Images on your machine, this image should appear, as shown below:

docker image ls

#> REPOSITORY                                TAG          IMAGE ID           CREATED         SIZE
#> brazildatacube/wlts-paper-environment  0.1-local     ca5b517e098a   About a minute ago   5.09GB

You can then start Docker Container from the created Docker Image. To do this, use Docker Compose again:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.local.yml up

If everything is correct so far, running the above command should produce the output shown below:


wlts-paper-environment-container | [C 2021-10-04 21:59:46.336 ServerApp] 
wlts-paper-environment-container |     
wlts-paper-environment-container |     To access the server, open this file in a browser:
wlts-paper-environment-container |         file:///home/jovyan/.local/share/jupyter/runtime/jpserver-7-open.html
wlts-paper-environment-container |     Or copy and paste one of these URLs:
wlts-paper-environment-container |         http://bc26c6560801:8888/lab?token=8e487aba8f7b007a92ac3906b801f7e7fff299d0062c2cb1
wlts-paper-environment-container |      or

This information allows access to the JupyterLab page. So, to access this environment, copy the URL displayed in your terminal output that includes the Jupyter access token. The copied address should look like the one shown below:

Remember that this address and token vary with each run, so copy it from your terminal. If you try to log in with the token shown below, you will have problems using Jupyter.

After copying the URL, access it using any browser of your choice. As an example, to access this URL with firefox, you can use the command in the terminal:


When you go there, you should see the JupyterLab page (Figure 3). Once you have done this, you are ready to start executing the code in this RC. Go to the Section Workflow execution.

Workflow execution

To follow the steps in this section, you must already have a executable environment set up and ready to go. If not, please refer to Section Environment.

Note that for all the workflow execution code and configurations, it will be assumed that the executions performed are always relative to the directory wlts-paper. This directory contains all the materials in this RC and is available in the environment configured with the approaches presented in Section Environment.

The Web Land Trajectory Service (WLTS) and Web Land Cover Classification System (WLCCS) services used to run these notebooks are provided by the Brazil Data Cube (BDC) project. However, to use these and other BDC services, creating a free access token is necessary. If you do not have a BDC access token, please refer to the BDC services documentation page for information on creating one.

The materials provided in this RC complement the examples and explain how we conducted the analyses in the paper. To consistently organize these examples and analyses, we created a workflow consisting of three independent parts in this RC. In all parts of the workflow, the codes were organized into interactive Jupyter Notebooks, which explain the operations performed.

Figure 8 illustrates the workflow parts and the Jupyter Notebooks that compose them, along with their connections and orders. The execution of each of these parts does not depend on each other, making their exploration simpler. Below are the details of the elements that make up the workflow presented. Afterward, we will describe the ways of using and executing this workflow.

Figure 8. Workflow overview.

Base operations

The notebooks from this workflow step are available in the directory: analysis/scripts/wlts-operations.

The Base operations is the part of the workflow that contains the example code listings presented in the article. This workflow part has two Jupyter Notebooks:

  • wlts-operations-python.ipynb: Jupyter Notebook with the example code listings of Python client usage available for access to the platform presented by Zioti et al. (2021);
  • wlts-operations-r.ipynb: Jupyter Notebook with the R client example code listings available for access to the platform presented by Zioti et al. (2021).

As shown in Figure 8, both of these notebooks have no dependencies on each other, allowing them to be run in no particular order.

Alluvial Plot

The notebooks from this workflow step are available in the directory: analysis/scripts/alluvial-plot.

The Alluvial plot is part of the workflow containing the codes used to produce the alluvial plot presented by Zioti et al. (2021). This workflow part has two Jupyter Notebooks:

  • 1_wlts_alluvial-plot_data-extraction.ipynb: Document with the codes used for retrieving the LULC trajectories used as the basis for producing the Alluvial plot;
  • 2_wlts_alluvial-plot_data-visualization.ipynb: Document with the codes used to produce the Alluvial plot. Uses as a base the LULC trajectories retrieved’ in the notebook 1_wlts_alluvial-plot_data-extraction.ipynb.

Thus, as shown in Figure 8, the notebooks used for the generation of the alluvial plot have a dependency relationship, making the order of execution relevant. When this relation is not preserved, there are problems in the result production.

LULC Trajectory comparison

The notebooks from this workflow step are available in the directory: analysis/scripts/lulc-trajectory-comparison.

The LULC Trajectory comparison is the part of the workflow that contains the codes used for producing the agreement analysis between trajectories. For the production of this analysis. This workflow part has two Jupyter Notebooks:

  • 1_wlts-wlccs_lulc-trajectories-comparison_data-extraction.ipynb: Document with the codes for retrieving LULC trajectories;
  • 2_wlts-wlccs_lulc-trajectories-comparison_analysis.ipynb: Document with the codes for producing the agreement analysis with the trajectories retrieved in the notebook 1_wlts-wlccs_lulc-trajectories-comparison_data-extraction.ipynb.

Therefore, as with the Alluvial plot, the execution of these notebooks has an execution order, which is shown in Figure 8.

Parametrized batch using GNU Make

You must run the codes presented in this section in an environment with the dependencies presented in the environment.yml. If necessary, please refer to Section Environment to configure your environment.

The first workflow execution mode for this RC is the parameterized batch. Here, each of the parts of the workflow is executed individually, from start to finish, without any user interaction. This execution mode is recommended for the users who wish to obtain the results without having to access and run the notebooks manually.

To implement this execution mode, the following tools were used:

  • GNU Make: Para a modelagem e execução do workflow;
  • Papermill: Ferramenta para a execução parametrizada, via terminal, de Jupyter Notebooks.

By using these tools together, we model all the parts of the workflow and manage its execution without the need to modify the code or even change the format (e.g., take the code out of Jupyter Notebooks and send it to conventional Python scripts).


If the reader is interested in learning Make, please see the page Reproducibility with Make.

To use GNU Make, we have made a Makefile that materializes the whole workflow through make rules. The following rules are available:

Tip: To view these rules directly from the Makefile, you can run the command in the root directory of this RC: make help.

alluvial-plot                  (Workflow) Execute the notebooks to generate the Alluvial Plot presented in the paper.
all                            (Workflow) Execute all workflow steps.
clean                          (Workflow) Remove all workflow results.
generate-make-graph            (Miscellaneous) Generate a graph from the Makefile rules
lulc-trajectory-comparison     (Workflow) Execute the notebooks to generate the Agreement analysis presented in the paper.
wlts-operations                (Workflow) Execute the notebooks with the WLTS and WLCCS base operations presented in the paper.

Each of the wlts-operations, alluvial-plot, and lulc-trajectory-comparison rules represent the parts of the workflow presented above. Additionally, the rules all and clean are used respectively for performing all the workflow steps and cleaning up all the results generated by the notebooks.

The connection of all these rules can be seen as a dependency graph, which is generated with the makefile2graph tool .

Click here to visualize the Makefile dependencies graph

Figure 9. Makefile dependency graph.

In the following sections, how each of these rules is used to execute this RC workflow will be presented.


Batch mode execution, once started, does not allow user interaction until its completion. However, in this RC, an access token is required to retrieve the trajectories from the WLTS and WLCCS services provided by the BDC project.

To avoid having to specify this access token to each Jupyter Notebook before execution in batch mode, we use the notebook execution parameterization capabilities provided by the papermill. This papermill functionality allows all notebooks that require this information to receive it from a single definition of the access token, made in a configuration file.

Thus, before starting executions of the parts of the workflow, it is necessary to create this configuration file. In this RC, this configuration file is in the path analysis/data/raw_data/workflow_parameters.yml. When you access it, you will see a file with the following format:

Remember that the path analysis/data/raw_data/ is relative to the RC root directory. So, for example, if you use the environment set up with some of the approaches presented in Section Environment, this path will be relative to the wlts-paper directory.

bdc_access_token: "YOUR-BDC-SERVICES-TOKEN-HERE"

Change the file’s contents, replacing the text YOUR-BDC-SERVICES-TOKEN-HERE with your BDC access token. By doing this, you are now ready to run the workflow in batch mode.

Click here for the step-by-step configuration of the access token parameter (Optional)

If you are having trouble setting up the workflow_parameters.yml file, use the steps below. If you have already done the setup, it is not necessary to follow these steps.

This step-by-step assumes that you are using the environment configured with one of the approaches presented in Section Environment.

From the JupyterLab initial page, go to the wlts-paper directory:

Figure 10. Selection of wlts-paper directory on JupyterLab.

Then go to the analysis directory:

Figure 11. Selection of analysis directory on JupyterLab.

Inside the analysis directory, go to the data directory:

Figure 12. Selection of data directory on JupyterLab.

Now go to the raw_data directory, where the files and data used as input in the workflow are:

Figure 13. Selection of raw_data directory on JupyterLab.

In the raw_data directory, you will see the workflow_parameters.yml file. Open this file:

Figure 14. Selection of workflow_parameters.yml file on JupyterLab.

With the workflow_parameters.yml file open, change the bdc_access_token key, replacing the text YOUR-BDC-SERVICES-TOKEN-HERE with your access token from BDC.

Figure 15. Configuration of bdc_access_token in workflow_parameters.yml file on JupyterLab.

Now you have the access token parameter set and ready to be used in the batch run of this RC workflow.

Base operations

The first part of the workflow to be presented is Base operations. As mentioned earlier, this part has the code listings presented by Zioti et al. (2021). To run this part, you need to be in the RC root directory. Once you are in the root directory, run the command:

make wlts-operations

In general, when this execution is performed, you have the execution flow shown in Figure 13. Based on the wlts-operations rule, the GNU Make uses the papermill and does the parameterized execution of both notebooks in this step.

Figure 16. Base operations execution flow.

The results are available in the directory analysis/data/derived_data/base-operations at the end of the run. When listing this directory, the following content should be presented:

Remember that the path analysis/data/derived_data/base-operations is relative to the RC root directory. So, for example, if you are using the environment set up with some of the approaches presented in Section Environment, this path will be relative to the wlts-paper directory.

ls -l analysis/data/derived_data/base-operations

#> total 12
#> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1536 Oct  6 15:28 listing1_python.csv
#> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1866 Oct  6 15:28 listing1_r.csv
#> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  639 Oct  6 15:28 listing3_python.csv

Note also that the outputs from each cell in the notebooks are persisted in the documents themselves. See the notebooks run in the analysis/scripts/wlts-operations/ directory to view these details.

Click here for the step-by-step execution (Optional)

If you have trouble executing the wlts-operations rule from make, follow the steps below.

This step-by-step assumes that you are using the environment configured with one of the approaches presented in Section Environment.

First, go to Terminal in the JupyterLab interface:

Figure 17. Terminal selection on JupyterLab menu.

In the terminal, go to wlts-paper, the directory where this RC is stored in the environment. Then run the make wlts-operations command:

Figure 18. make wlts-operations on JupyterLab terminal.

When the execution starts, the terminal will display bars with the progress of the operation:

Figure 19. make wlts-operations progress bar.

The generated results will be saved in the directory analysis/data/derived_data/base-operations.

Alluvial plot

In Alluvial plot, as mentioned, the Jupyter Notebooks are executed to generate the alluvial plot. The execution of this part of the workflow is analogous to that presented in Base operations. First, go to the root directory where the RC is stored. Then run the alluvial-plot rule:

make alluvial-plot

In the execution, first, the 1_wlts_alluvial-plot_data-extraction.ipynb notebook is run, which will retrieve the LULC trajectories. After completing the first notebook, the 2_wlts_alluvial-plot_data-visualization.ipynb notebook is executed, generating the alluvial plot. This flow is summarized in Figure 20.

Figure 20. Alluvial plot execution flow.

The results are available in the directory analysis/data/derived_data/alluvial-plot at the end of the run. When listing this directory, the following content should be presented:

Remember that the path analysis/data/derived_data/alluvial-plot is relative to the RC root directory. So, for example, if you are using the environment set up with some of the approaches presented in Section Environment, this path will be relative to the wlts-paper directory.

ls -l analysis/data/derived_data/alluvial-plot

#> total 1432
#> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1384790 Oct  6 17:32 plot_alluvial_terraclass_amz.png
#> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root   74375 Oct  6 17:30 sao-felix-do-xingu_trajectories.rds

Note also that the outputs from each cell in the notebooks are persisted in the documents themselves. See the notebooks run in the analysis/scripts/alluvial-plot/ directory to view these details.

Click here for the step-by-step execution (Optional)

If you have trouble executing the alluvial-plot rule from make, follow the steps below.

This step-by-step assumes that you are using the environment configured with one of the approaches presented in Section Environment.

First, go to Terminal in the JupyterLab interface:

Figure 21. Terminal selection on JupyterLab menu.

In the terminal, go to wlts-paper, the directory where this RC is stored in the environment. Then run the make alluvial-plot command:

Figure 22. make alluvial-plot on JupyterLab terminal.

When the execution starts, the terminal will display bars with the progress of the operation:

Figure 23. make alluvial-plot progress bar.

The generated results will be saved in the directory analysis/data/derived_data/alluvial-plot/.

LULC Trajectory Comparison

In the last of the operations, LULC Trajectory Comparison, as seen earlier, one produces an agreement analysis between trajectories from two distinct data collections. The execution of this operation can be done at the root of this RC using the lulc-trajectory-comparison rule:

make lulc-trajectory-comparison

Figure 24 shows the general execution flow of this rule. First, the 1_wlts-wlccs_lulc-trajectories-comparison_data-extraction.ipynb notebook is executed. This notebook retrieves the trajectories from two data collections. This data is then used as input to run the notebook 2_wlts-wlccs_lulc-trajectories-comparison_analysis.ipynb.

Figure 24. LULC Trajectory Comparison execution flow.

The results are available in the directory analysis/data/derived_data/lulc-trajectory-comparison at the end of the run. When listing this directory, the following content should be presented:

Remember that the path analysis/data/derived_data/lulc-trajectory-comparison is relative to the RC root directory. So, for example, if you are using the environment set up with some of the approaches presented in Section Environment, this path will be relative to the wlts-paper directory.

ls -l analysis/data/derived_data/lulc-trajectory-comparison

#> total 2100
#> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  311930 Oct  6 19:29 harmonized-trajectories_download_2021-10-06_15-28-17_825991.log
#> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1818889 Oct  6 19:29 harmonized-trajectories_mapbiomas-terraclass_2014.json
#> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root    3502 Oct  6 19:29 trajectory-concordance_tc-mb-2014.csv
#> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root     176 Oct  6 19:29 trajectory-concordance_tc-mb-2014_matrix.csv

Note also that the outputs from each cell in the notebooks are persisted in the documents themselves. See the notebooks run in the analysis/scripts/lulc-trajectory-comparison/ directory to view these details.

Click here for the step-by-step execution (Optional)

If you have trouble executing the lulc-trajectory-comparison rule from make, follow the steps below.

This step-by-step assumes that you are using the environment configured with one of the approaches presented in Section Environment.

First, go to Terminal in the JupyterLab interface:

Figure 25. Terminal selection on JupyterLab menu.

In the terminal, go to wlts-paper, the directory where this RC is stored in the environment. Then run the make lulc-trajectory-comparison command:

Figure 26. make lulc-trajectory-comparison on JupyterLab terminal.

When the execution starts, the terminal will display bars with the progress of the operation:

Figure 27. make lulc-trajectory-comparison progress bar.

The generated results will be saved in the directory analysis/data/derived_data/lulc-trajectory-comparison/.

Interactive execution

In addition to the parameterized batch execution of Jupyter Notebooks, it is also possible to make interactive and individual execution of each document. This approach is recommended for those interested in understanding the steps performed in the code to produce the results.

In the interactive approach, for the executions, unlike the batch operations, there is no previous configuration to be done; everything is configured directly on each of the notebooks. Thus, for interactive execution, you must consider two points:

  • Access token definition: The definition of the access token must be made on each of the notebooks individually. Instructions on where to insert this token are available in the documents themselves;
  • Specifying the input/output directories: By default, the notebooks are configured to run, considering the RC root as the working directory. However, this premise does not hold when changing the directory in the JupyterLab interface to access the notebooks and then make their interactive execution. Thus, it is necessary to change the reference of the input and output directories considering the directory where the notebook is stored. To exemplify the necessary change, consider the organizational structure of this RC in the environment configured in Section Environment:

As mentioned, in the environment configured with the steps presented in Section Environment, the RC root is represented by the wlts-paper directory.

└── wlts-paper
    ├── data
    │    ├── raw_data
    │    └── derived_data
    └── scripts 
        ├── alluvial-plot
        ├── wlts-operations
        └── lulc-trajectory-comparison

In the default configuration, notebooks execute considering paths relative to wlts-paper. So, for example, the output directory of the alluvial plot, in the source code is:

output_directory <- "analysis/data/derived_data/alluvial-plot"

However, if you are in the wlts-paper/scripts/alluvial-plot directory, running the notebook, the path analysis/data/derived_data/alluvial-plot may fail. Therefore, a change is needed that allows the notebook code to use the same directories. In this case, the necessary change transforms the output path definition to the following variable:

output_directory <- "../../data/derived_data/alluvial-plot"

This change will make the code look for two directory levels above the current one for the data directory, when is considered that the running is done directly from the wlts-paper/scripts/alluvial-plot directory.

This change should be considered on all notebooks when interactive execution is being performed.


Code : MIT;

Data : CC-0;

Text and figures: CC-BY-4.0;


Research compendium of the article: A plataform for land use and land cover data integration and trajectory analysis







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