Author: Brayan Andrés Henao ([email protected]) - Universidad Icesi
I decide to compile the whole source code in a JAR file, so it's more easy to run. For this game, you need to have Java (8) installed and then use the following command:
java -jar PSL_Mineswipper_Challenge.jar
Then you will see something like this:
You need to enter the input in the below order, separated by a blank space between them:
- The number of rows in the board.
- The number of columns in the board.
- The number of mines in the board.
Here is an example of the input for an 8 x 8 board with 5 mines:
If you want to compile the project by yourself, you need to have Java (8) in your path and follow the next steps:
- Move to the source directory
cd src/
- Use the java compiler to compile the main class (Game). It also compiles all the needed classes.
javac ./model/
- And then run it.
java model.Game