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Disabled P3A Metrics

Darnell Andries edited this page Nov 28, 2024 · 1 revision

The metrics listed below are currently implemented in the client, but their reporting to our server is disabled:

In the past week, on the day where you created the most tabs, how many of the New Tab Pages were sponsored?

Brave.NTP.SponsoredNewTabsCreated.2 [D] [A] [iOS]

  1. 0%
  2. > 0% and < 10%
  3. 10% to < 20%
  4. 20% to < 30%
  5. 30% to < 40%
  6. 40% to < 50%
  7. 50% or more

As a "sidebar enabled" experiment participant, do you have Leo enabled?

Brave.AIChat.Enabled.SidebarEnabledB [D]

  1. Yes, as a free user
  2. Yes, as a premium user

As a "sidebar enabled" experiment participant, do you have Leo enabled?

Brave.AIChat.UsageDaily.SidebarEnabledB [D]

  1. Yes, as a free user
  2. Yes, as a premium user

As a "sidebar enabled" experiment participant, did you use Leo in the past week?

Brave.AIChat.UsageWeekly.SidebarEnabledB [D]

  1. Yes, as a free user
  2. Yes, as a premium user

As a "sidebar enabled" experiment participant, did you change the Sidebar settings?

Brave.Sidebar.SettingChange.SidebarEnabledB [D]

  1. No
  2. Yes, I changed Show Sidebar to "On mouse over"
  3. Yes, I changed Show Sidebar to "Never"

Have you used SpeedReader?

Brave.SpeedReader.Enabled [D]

  1. Never Used
  2. Used but not recently (in reporting interval)
  3. Used within the last week

Number of times user clicked on SpeedReader button to toggle the feature?

Brave.SpeedReader.ToggleCount [D]

  1. 0
  2. 1-5
  3. 5-10
  4. 10-20
  5. 20-30
  6. 30+

What color mode are you using?

Brave.Theme.BrowserColorScheme [D]

  1. OS default
  2. Dark
  3. Light

Are you using the default theme colors?

Brave.Theme.ThemeColorDefault [D]

  1. No
  2. Yes

What menu functionality group do you use the most?

Brave.Toolbar.FrequentMenuGroup [D]

  1. Tab & window actions (new tab/new window)
  2. Brave features (Wallet, Rewards, Sync)
  3. Browser views (History, Bookmarks, Extensions, Settings)

How often is the menu triggered and dismissed without an action taken in the past week?

Brave.Toolbar.MenuDismissRate [D]

  1. Menu was not opened in the past week
  2. Less than 25% (exclusive) of opens
  3. Between 25% (inclusive) and 50% (exclusive) of opens
  4. Between 50% (inclusive) and 75% (exclusive) of opens
  5. More than 75% of opens

How many times was the menu opened in the past 7 days?

Brave.Toolbar.MenuOpens [D] [iOS]

  1. 0
  2. 1-5
  3. 6-15
  4. 16-29
  5. 30-49
  6. 50+

Which location Bottom bar being used?

Brave.General.BottomBarLocation [iOS]

  1. Top
  2. Bottom

As a phone user, in the past 7 days, what % of your navigation button actions consist of forward navigation?

Brave.Toolbar.ForwardNavigationAction [iOS]

  1. 0-1%
  2. 1-3%
  3. 3-5%
  4. 5-10%
  5. 10-20%
  6. 20-100%

How many external feeds did you add last week?

Brave.Today.WeeklyAddedDirectFeedsCount [D] [A] [iOS]

  1. None
  2. 1 feed
  3. 2 feeds
  4. 3 feeds
  5. 4 feeds
  6. 5 feeds
  7. 6 to 10 feeds
  8. More than 10 feeds

Do you have iOS display zoom enabled?

Brave.Accessibility.DisplayZoomEnabled [iOS]

  1. No
  2. Yes

Do you have a payment method saved in your autofill settings?

Brave.Autofill.PaymentMethodPresent [D] [A]

  1. No
  2. Yes

What is the document directory size in MB?

Brave.Core.DocumentsDirectorySizeMB [iOS] 0. 0-50

  1. 50-200
  2. 200-500
  3. 500-1000
  4. 1000+

Have you ever used a private window?

Brave.Core.LastTimeIncognitoUsed [D]

  1. Used in last 24h
  2. Used in last week but not 24h
  3. Used in last 28 days but not week
  4. Ever used but not in last 28 days
  5. Never used

In the past week, how often are address bar entries/queries performed in new tabs compared to existing tabs?

Brave.Core.LocationNewEntries [A] [iOS]

  1. Less than 25% of total address bar entries performed in new tabs
  2. 25% -50% of total address bar entries performed in new tabs
  3. 50% -75% of total address bar entries performed in new tabs
  4. More than 75% of total address bar entries performed in new tabs

In the past week, when creating new tabs, how often do you use the [+] button compared to the tab switcher button?

Brave.Core.NewTabMethods [A] [iOS]

  1. Less than 25% of total new tabs created using [+] button
  2. 25% -50% of total new tabs created using [+] button
  3. 50% -75% of total new tabs created using [+] button
  4. More than 75% of total new tabs created using [+] button

As a user with Brave as the default search engine, how many pages did you load in the past week?

Brave.Core.PagesLoaded.BraveSearchDefault [D] [A]

  1. 0 pages
  2. 1-10
  3. 11-50
  4. 51-100
  5. 101-500
  6. 501-1000
  7. Greater than 1000 pages

As a user with a non-Brave default search engine, how many pages did you load in the past week?

Brave.Core.PagesLoaded.OtherSearchDefault [D] [A]

  1. 0 pages
  2. 1-10
  3. 11-50
  4. 51-100
  5. 101-500
  6. 501-1000
  7. Greater than 1000 pages

Have you ever used a Tor private window?

Brave.Core.TorEverUsed [D]

  1. Yes
  2. No

How many times did you use reader mode in the last 7 days?

Brave.ReaderMode.NumberReaderModeActivated [iOS]

  1. 0
  2. 1-5
  3. 6-20
  4. 21-50
  5. 51+

Was reset sync progress marker procedure ever done?

Brave.Sync.ProgressTokenEverReset [D] [A]

  1. 0-Normal reset of progress marker due to 7th failure
  2. 1-Reset progress marker due to 7th failure happening twice in a row in less than 30 minutes

If you are a Rewards user, did you view the 30-day Ads history page in the past week?

Brave.Rewards.AdsHistoryView [D]

  1. Yes

If you have a custom position configured for ads notifications, what area is it in?

Brave.Rewards.CustomNotificationAdPosition [D]

  1. Top left
  2. Top center
  3. Top right
  4. Center left
  5. Center right
  6. Bottom left
  7. Bottom center
  8. Bottom right

If rewards are disabled, did you click on the inline [Tip] button this week?

Brave.Rewards.InlineTipTrigger [D]

  1. Yes

As Brave VPN user, how many different days did I enable the Brave VPN in the last 30 days?

Brave.VPN.DaysInMonthUsed [D] [A] [iOS]

  1. 0 days
  2. 1 day
  3. 2 days
  4. 3 to 5 days
  5. 6 to 10 days
  6. 11 to 15 days
  7. 16 to 20 days
  8. More than 20 days

As an active FIL user (that currently has an active account, or previously has had one), how many accounts do you have with a non-zero balance?

Brave.Wallet.ActiveFilAccounts [D] [A]

  1. 0 accounts
  2. 1 account
  3. 2 accounts
  4. 3 accounts
  5. 4-7 accounts
  6. 8+ accounts

What is your preferred Ethereum/Solana provider?

Brave.Wallet.EthProvider.4 and Brave.Wallet.SolProvider.2 [D]

  1. None, because no wallet is setup
  2. None, because the default provider setting is set to "Extensions (no fallback)"
  3. Brave Wallet (wallet is setup, no installed extension; setting is "Extensions (Brave Wallet fallback)")
  4. Brave Wallet (wallet is setup, an extension may potentially be installed but cannot override native provider; setting is "Brave Wallet")
  5. Third-party extension (not overriding a setup Brave Wallet; setting is most likely "Extensions (Brave Wallet fallback)", but could be "Extensions (no fallback)")
  6. Third-party extension (overriding a setup Brave Wallet; setting is "Extensions (Brave Wallet fallback)")

If you have ever sent a transaction, have you sent one in the past 7 days?

Brave.Wallet.FilTransactionSent [D] [A]

  1. No
  2. Yes

Has the Wallet keyring been created?

Brave.Wallet.KeyringCreated [D] [A]

  1. No
  2. Yes

As a Brave Wallet user, when was the last time I unlocked the wallet?

Brave.Wallet.LastUsageTime [D] [A]

  1. Within the last 6 days
  2. 7 - 13 days ago
  3. 14 - 20 days ago
  4. 21 - 27 days ago
  5. 28 - 59 days ago
  6. 60 days ago or more

Did you use the NFT gallery for the first time this week?

Brave.Wallet.NFTNewUser [D] [A]

  1. Yes

As a user that has used the wallet at least once, do you have NFT discovery enabled?

Brave.Wallet.NFTDiscoveryEnabled [D] [A]

  1. No
  2. Yes

How you used the wallet this week?

Brave.Wallet.UsageWeekly [D] [A]

  1. Yes

Do you have privacy report enabled?

Brave.PrivacyHub.IsEnabled [A]

  1. Yes

If you opened privacy report in the past 30 days, how many times did you open it?

Brave.PrivacyHub.Views [A]

  1. 1
  2. 2-10
  3. 11-20
  4. 21+

How many times have you been presented the Request-OTR interstitial in the past month?

Brave.RequestOTR.InterstitialShown [D]

  1. 0
  2. 1
  3. 2
  4. 3-5
  5. 6-10
  6. 11+

If Request-OTR interstitial was shown at least once in the past month, how long did the user view the page, on average?

Brave.RequestOTR.InterstitialDuration [D]

  1. Less than or equal to 5 seconds
  2. Greater than 5, but less than or equal to 10 seconds
  3. Greater than 10, but less than or equal to 15 seconds
  4. Greater than 15, but less than or equal to 30 seconds
  5. Greater than 30, but less than or equal to 60 seconds
  6. Greater than 60 sec

How many times has the user opted into Request-OTR mode on a site in the past month?

Brave.RequestOTR.SessionCount [D]

  1. 0
  2. 1
  3. 2
  4. 3-5
  5. 6-10
  6. 11+

How much data did Brave save you last week?

Note: this is based on a predictive algorithm running strictly client-side

Brave.Savings.BandwidthSavingsMB [D] [A] [iOS]

  1. 0
  2. >0-50mb
  3. 51-100mb
  4. 101-200mb
  5. 201-400mb
  6. 401-700mb
  7. 701-1500mb
  8. more than 1501mb

Did you temporarily allow/block individual scripts this week?

Brave.Shields.AllowScriptOnce [D]

  1. Yes

If you have viewed the cookie consent block prompt, how did you react?

Brave.Shields.CookieListPrompt [D] [A] [iOS]

  1. Have not seen the prompt
  2. Have seen the prompt, but did not react
  3. Clicked "No thanks" on the prompt
  4. Clicked "Block cookie notices" on the prompt

On how many domains has the user set the FP setting to be lower (block less) than the default?

Brave.Shields.DomainFingerprintSettingsBelowGlobal [D] [A] [iOS]

  1. 0
  2. 1-5
  3. 6-10
  4. 11-20
  5. 21-30
  6. 31+

On how many domains has the user set the FP setting to be higher (block more) than the default?

Brave.Shields.DomainFingerprintSettingsAboveGlobal [D] [A] [iOS]

  1. 0
  2. 1-5
  3. 6-10
  4. 11-20
  5. 21-30
  6. 31+

Which extra ad-block filter lists do you have enabled this month?

Brave.Shields.FilterLists [D] [A]

  1. None
  2. One or more hardcoded filter lists
  3. One or more custom filter lists
  4. Both hardcoded & custom filter lists

If you filed a web compatibility report this week, how did you file it?

Brave.Webcompat.UISource [D] [A]

  1. Via the Shields panel
  2. Via the app menu (desktop only)
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