#US Government API
We thought the US government data APIs looked interesting, so we're building a site that interacts with them. The objective is to find interesting ways of combining APIs to get new data correlations.
- NodeJS
- Node Package Manager
- MongoDB
- GruntJS
Clone the repository
$ git clone https://github.com/brandondove/usgovapi.git .
Install the required packages
$ npm install
Start MongoDB
$ mongod
Run the node app
$ node app
Access the homepage of the app at the following URL: http://localhost:3000/
##Grunt Tasks
Run all default tasks:
- Combine all custom javascripts
- Use jshint to check for javascript errors
- Minify combined javascript
- Compile SASS
- Minify CSS
$ grunt
Monitor the project for local changes during active development
$ grunt watch
Package the source up for release
$ grunt compress