A Clojure library providing the syntax-quote (aka quasiquote) reader macro as a normal macro.
Clojure's backtick `
reader macro, called syntax-quote, complects the
templating of Clojure forms with Clojure's namespaced symbol resolution.
Backtick allows you to use the unquote ~
and unquote-splicing ~@
metacharacters for templating forms with or without a custom symbol resolver.
Lots more background at https://www.brandonbloom.name/blog/2012/11/23/templating-clojures-backtick/.
Artifacts are hosted on Clojars: https://clojars.org/backtick
(use 'backtick)
;; Full syntax-quote replacement
(let [x 5 v [:a :b]]
(syntax-quote {:x ~x, s #{~@v "c" inc}}))
;; Returns:
{:x 5, user/s #{"c" clojure.core/inc :a :b}}
;; Templating only, no symbol resolution
(let [x 5 v [:a :b]]
(template {:x ~x, s #{~@v "c" inc}}))
;; Returns:
{s #{"c" :a :b inc}, :x 5}
Note that while template
does not resolve symbols, it does support gensyms:
(template [x# x# y#])
;; Returns something like:
[x__auto__990 x__auto__990 y__auto__991]
You can create a templating macro with a custom resolver by using defquote
(defquote shout-quote (comp symbol clojure.string/upper-case))
(shout-quote {:foo bar})
;; Returns:
{:foo BAR}
Corresponding functions are generated for every quoting macro:
(syntax-quote-fn 'foo) ;; => (quote user/foo)
(template-fn 'foo) ;; => (quote foo)
(shout-quote-fn 'foo) ;; => (quote FOO)
Copyright © 2012 Brandon Bloom
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.