DISCLAIMER: All content has been taken from swcarpentry.github.io (© Software Carpentry) and transcribed to the Google colab setting for practice using that interface. Please see http://software-carpentry.org/ for original content. Only minor changes were made, if any, for clarity in the Google colab format (without the same color coding as the original).
preamble for every episode that uses the lesson data
# setup
!wget https://swcarpentry.github.io/python-novice-inflammation/data/python-novice-inflammation-data.zip
!wget https://swcarpentry.github.io/python-novice-inflammation/code/python-novice-inflammation-code.zip
!unzip -jn python-novice-inflammation-data.zip
!unzip -jn python-novice-inflammation-code.zip
preamble for the gapminder dataset
# setup
!wget http://swcarpentry.github.io/python-novice-gapminder/files/python-novice-gapminder-data.zip
!unzip -n python-novice-gapminder-data.zip
Example of copying/pasting software carpentry lesson (beginning (~2 minutes) and end (~2 minutes) show to set up and save with the middle being all the copy/pasting/formatting.