This is a repository containing the tutorials for our upcoming U-Iowa Brainhack
Each week, we will finalize and post our tutorials here, labeling them by their date. if you have any questions, contact one of our support staff below.
June 4th: Here are some really great overviews of the information we touched on today!
%%% The above is a matlab resource as an additional reference for what we covered.
%%%Please complete 1,2 and 3 before next week :)
June 11th: Here are some really great overviews of the information we touched on today!
%%% The above is a matlab resource as an additional reference for what we covered.
%%%Please complete 4,5 and 6 before next week :)
June 18th: Here are some really great overviews of the information we touched on today!!8664!3!452169845223!b!!g!!%2Bmatlab%20%2Btutorial&s_eid=ppc_108293288628&q=+matlab%20+tutorial&gclid=Cj0KCQjw_dWGBhDAARIsAMcYuJz_ZMAyIw-vD9wQqH22xa4fr_BGMNWvcTcFfEokNfPAydKHHdWluNEaAjezEALw_wcB
%%%% We recommend the following tutorials: 7,8,9,10, and 12.
%%%% We also want to recommend Dr. Talbert's youtube series. He does a great job of providing visuals and walking you through the more complex use of loops and conditional statements in Matlab.
June 24th: Please take the time to review our materials here and work through the practice problems linked below.
We use all that we have covered in order to work with EEG. Happy coding :)
% Below is a link to a pdf with 55 pages of practice problems and solutions. A bit older, but the principles covered are the same!
% Here is a massive bank of problems from Matlab: % We encourage you to get more and more familiar with what matlab and mathworks has to offer (google is your friend!!!) :)
July 2nd: Please take the time to review the reading and powerpoint slides we have provided in the Juluy 2nd folder.
There is no homework for this week. However, we encourage you to reach out to us and review out posted materials so you can beging to familiarize yourself with this process.
July 9th and 16th: Parts 1 and 2 of EEG lab analaysis and toolbox overview
Here is a link to a set of expanded and detailed videos organized to dive into more of the ERP methodology and application beyond what we covered.
July End: EEG Review and Spectral Power Anlysis
We are at our end. What is posted represents the complete tools and information we were able to cover during our EEG month.
Contact: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]