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implement Blank2014-linear benchmark; unify some methods with Pereira…
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mschrimpf committed Aug 3, 2023
1 parent 7875581 commit 0506062
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Showing 8 changed files with 390 additions and 60 deletions.
47 changes: 47 additions & 0 deletions brainscore_language/benchmark_helpers/
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@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
import numpy as np
from typing import List

from brainio.assemblies import walk_coords, array_is_element, DataAssembly

def ci_error(samples, center, confidence=.95):
low, high = 100 * ((1 - confidence) / 2), 100 * (1 - ((1 - confidence) / 2))
confidence_below, confidence_above = np.nanpercentile(samples, low), np.nanpercentile(samples, high)
confidence_below, confidence_above = center - confidence_below, confidence_above - center
return confidence_below, confidence_above

def manual_merge(*elements: List[DataAssembly], on='neuroid') -> DataAssembly:
Manually merge a set of assemblies where xarray's automated merge might fail.
This function likely covers only covers a small number of use-cases, and should thus be used with caution.
dims = elements[0].dims
assert all(element.dims == dims for element in elements[1:])
merge_index = dims.index(on)
# the coordinates in the merge index should have the same keys
assert _coords_match(elements, dim=on,
match_values=False), f"coords in {[element[on] for element in elements]} do not match"
# all other dimensions, their coordinates and values should already align
for dim in set(dims) - {on}:
assert _coords_match(elements, dim=dim,
match_values=True), f"coords in {[element[dim] for element in elements]} do not match"
# merge values without meta
merged_values = np.concatenate([element.values for element in elements], axis=merge_index)
# piece together with meta
result = type(elements[0])(merged_values, coords={
**{coord: (dims, values)
for coord, dims, values in walk_coords(elements[0])
if not array_is_element(dims, on)},
**{coord: (dims, np.concatenate([element[coord].values for element in elements]))
for coord, dims, _ in walk_coords(elements[0])
if array_is_element(dims, on)}}, dims=elements[0].dims)
return result

def _coords_match(elements, dim, match_values=False):
""" Helper method for `manual_merge` """
first_coords = [(key, tuple(value)) if match_values else key for _, key, value in walk_coords(elements[0][dim])]
other_coords = [[(key, tuple(value)) if match_values else key for _, key, value in walk_coords(element[dim])]
for element in elements[1:]]
return all(tuple(first_coords) == tuple(coords) for coords in other_coords)
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions brainscore_language/benchmarks/blank2014/
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from brainscore_language import benchmark_registry
from .benchmark import Blank2014Linear

benchmark_registry['Blank2014-linear'] = Blank2014Linear
50 changes: 50 additions & 0 deletions brainscore_language/benchmarks/blank2014/
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@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
import xarray as xr

from brainscore_core.benchmarks import BenchmarkBase
from brainscore_core.metrics import Score
from brainscore_language import load_dataset, load_metric
from brainscore_language.artificial_subject import ArtificialSubject
from brainscore_language.benchmarks.blank2014.ceiling import ExtrapolationCeiling
from import BIBTEX
from brainscore_language.utils.ceiling import ceiling_normalize

class Blank2014Linear(BenchmarkBase):
Evaluate model ability to predict neural activity in human language system functional regions of interest (fROIs)
in response to natural stories, recorded by Blank et al. 2014.
Alignment of neural activity between model and human subjects is evaluated via cross-validated linear predictivity.
This benchmark builds off the Blank2014 benchmark introduced in Schrimpf et al. 2021
(, but requires the model to have committed to neural readouts
(e.g. "layer 41 corresponds to the language system"), rather than testing every layer separately.

def __init__(self): = load_dataset('Blank2014.fROI')
self.metric = load_metric('linear_pearsonr')
ceiler = ExtrapolationCeiling()
ceiling = ceiler(, metric=self.metric)
super(Blank2014Linear, self).__init__(

def __call__(self, candidate: ArtificialSubject) -> Score:
stimuli =['stimulus']
stories =['story'].values
predictions = []
for story in sorted(set(stories)): # go over individual stories, sorting to keep consistency across runs
story_indexer = [stimulus_story == story for stimulus_story in stories]
story_stimuli = stimuli[story_indexer]
story_predictions = candidate.digest_text(story_stimuli.values)['neural']
story_predictions['stimulus_id'] = 'presentation', story_stimuli['stimulus_id'].values
predictions = xr.concat(predictions, dim='presentation')
raw_score = self.metric(predictions,
score = ceiling_normalize(raw_score, self.ceiling)
return score
204 changes: 204 additions & 0 deletions brainscore_language/benchmarks/blank2014/
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@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
import itertools
import logging
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import RandomState
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
from tqdm import tqdm, trange

from brainio.assemblies import array_is_element, walk_coords, DataAssembly, merge_data_arrays
from brainscore_core.metrics import Score
from brainscore_language.benchmark_helpers import ci_error, manual_merge
from brainscore_language.utils import fullname
from brainscore_language.utils.transformations import apply_aggregate

def v(x, v0, tau0):
return v0 * (1 - np.exp(-x / tau0))

class ExtrapolationCeiling:
def __init__(self, subject_column='subject_id', extrapolation_dimension='neuroid', num_bootstraps=100):
self._logger = logging.getLogger(fullname(self))
self.subject_column = subject_column
self.holdout_ceiling = HoldoutSubjectCeiling(subject_column=subject_column)
self.extrapolation_dimension = extrapolation_dimension
self.num_bootstraps = num_bootstraps

def __call__(self, assembly, metric):
scores = self.collect(assembly=assembly, metric=metric)
return self.extrapolate(scores)

def collect(self, assembly, metric):
num_subjects = len(set(assembly[self.subject_column].values))
subject_subsamples = self.build_subject_subsamples(num_subjects)
scores = []
for num_subjects in tqdm(subject_subsamples, desc='num subjects'):
selection_combinations = self.iterate_subsets(assembly, num_subjects=num_subjects)
for selections, sub_assembly in tqdm(selection_combinations, desc='selections'):
score = self.holdout_ceiling(assembly=sub_assembly, metric=metric)
score = score.expand_dims('num_subjects')
score['num_subjects'] = [num_subjects]
for key, selection in selections.items():
expand_dim = f'sub_{key}'
score = score.expand_dims(expand_dim)
score[expand_dim] = [str(selection)]
scores = Score.merge(*scores)
assert hasattr(scores, 'neuroid_id')
return scores

def build_subject_subsamples(self, num_subjects):
return tuple(range(2, num_subjects + 1))

def iterate_subsets(self, assembly, num_subjects):
subjects = set(assembly[self.subject_column].values)
subject_combinations = list(itertools.combinations(sorted(subjects), num_subjects))
for sub_subjects in subject_combinations:
sub_assembly = assembly[{'neuroid': [subject in sub_subjects
for subject in assembly[self.subject_column].values]}]
yield {self.subject_column: sub_subjects}, sub_assembly

def average_collected(self, scores):
return scores.median('neuroid')

def extrapolate(self, ceilings):
neuroid_ceilings, bootstrap_params, endpoint_xs = [], [], []
for i in trange(len(ceilings[self.extrapolation_dimension]),
desc=f'{self.extrapolation_dimension} extrapolations'):
# extrapolate per-neuroid ceiling
neuroid_ceiling = ceilings.isel(**{self.extrapolation_dimension: [i]})
extrapolated_ceiling = self.extrapolate_neuroid(neuroid_ceiling.squeeze())
extrapolated_ceiling = self.add_neuroid_meta(extrapolated_ceiling, neuroid_ceiling)
# also keep track of bootstrapped parameters
neuroid_bootstrap_params = extrapolated_ceiling.bootstrapped_params
neuroid_bootstrap_params = self.add_neuroid_meta(neuroid_bootstrap_params, neuroid_ceiling)
# and endpoints
endpoint_x = self.add_neuroid_meta(extrapolated_ceiling.endpoint_x, neuroid_ceiling)
# merge and add meta
self._logger.debug("Merging neuroid ceilings")
neuroid_ceilings = manual_merge(*neuroid_ceilings, on=self.extrapolation_dimension)
neuroid_ceilings.attrs['raw'] = ceilings
self._logger.debug("Merging bootstrap params")
bootstrap_params = manual_merge(*bootstrap_params, on=self.extrapolation_dimension)
neuroid_ceilings.attrs['bootstrapped_params'] = bootstrap_params
self._logger.debug("Merging endpoints")
endpoint_xs = manual_merge(*endpoint_xs, on=self.extrapolation_dimension)
neuroid_ceilings.attrs['endpoint_x'] = endpoint_xs
# aggregate
ceiling = self.aggregate_neuroid_ceilings(neuroid_ceilings)
return ceiling

def add_neuroid_meta(self, target, source):
target = target.expand_dims(self.extrapolation_dimension)
for coord, dims, values in walk_coords(source):
if array_is_element(dims, self.extrapolation_dimension):
target[coord] = dims, values
return target

def aggregate_neuroid_ceilings(self, neuroid_ceilings):
ceiling = neuroid_ceilings.median(self.extrapolation_dimension)
ceiling.attrs['bootstrapped_params'] = neuroid_ceilings.bootstrapped_params.median(self.extrapolation_dimension)
ceiling.attrs['endpoint_x'] = neuroid_ceilings.endpoint_x.median(self.extrapolation_dimension)
ceiling.attrs['raw'] = neuroid_ceilings
return ceiling

def extrapolate_neuroid(self, ceilings):
# figure out how many extrapolation x points we have. E.g. for Pereira, not all combinations are possible
subject_subsamples = list(sorted(set(ceilings['num_subjects'].values)))
rng = RandomState(0)
bootstrap_params = []
for bootstrap in range(self.num_bootstraps):
bootstrapped_scores = []
for num_subjects in subject_subsamples:
num_scores = ceilings.sel(num_subjects=num_subjects)
# the sub_subjects dimension creates nans, get rid of those
num_scores = num_scores.dropna(f'sub_{self.subject_column}')
assert set(num_scores.dims) == {f'sub_{self.subject_column}', 'split'} or \
set(num_scores.dims) == {f'sub_{self.subject_column}'}
# choose from subject subsets and the splits therein, with replacement for variance
choices = num_scores.values.flatten()
bootstrapped_score = rng.choice(choices, size=len(choices), replace=True)

params =, bootstrapped_scores)
params = DataAssembly([params], coords={'bootstrap': [bootstrap], 'param': ['v0', 'tau0']},
dims=['bootstrap', 'param'])
bootstrap_params = merge_data_arrays(bootstrap_params)
# find endpoint and error
asymptote_threshold = .0005
interpolation_xs = np.arange(1000)
ys = np.array([v(interpolation_xs, *params) for params in bootstrap_params.values
if not np.isnan(params).any()])
median_ys = np.median(ys, axis=0)
diffs = np.diff(median_ys)
end_x = np.where(diffs < asymptote_threshold)[0].min() # first x where increase smaller than threshold
# put together
center = np.median(np.array(bootstrap_params)[:, 0])
error_low, error_high = ci_error(ys[:, end_x], center=center)
score = Score(center)
score.attrs['error_low'] = error_low
score.attrs['error_high'] = error_high
score.attrs['raw'] = ceilings
score.attrs['bootstrapped_params'] = bootstrap_params
score.attrs['endpoint_x'] = DataAssembly(end_x)
return score

def fit(self, subject_subsamples, bootstrapped_scores):
params, pcov = curve_fit(v, subject_subsamples, bootstrapped_scores,
# v (i.e. max ceiling) is between 0 and 1, tau0 unconstrained
bounds=([0, -np.inf], [1, np.inf]))
return params

class HoldoutSubjectCeiling:
def __init__(self, subject_column):
self.subject_column = subject_column
self._logger = logging.getLogger(fullname(self))

def __call__(self, assembly, metric):
subjects = set(assembly[self.subject_column].values)
scores = []
iterate_subjects = self.get_subject_iterations(subjects)
for subject in tqdm(iterate_subjects, desc='heldout subject'):
subject_assembly = assembly[{'neuroid': [subject_value == subject
for subject_value in assembly[self.subject_column].values]}]
# run subject pool as neural candidate
subject_pool = subjects - {subject}
pool_assembly = assembly[
{'neuroid': [subject in subject_pool for subject in assembly[self.subject_column].values]}]
score = self.score(pool_assembly, subject_assembly, metric=metric)
# store scores
apply_raw = 'raw' in score.attrs and \
not hasattr(score.raw, self.subject_column) # only propagate if column not part of score
score = score.expand_dims(self.subject_column, _apply_raw=apply_raw)
score.__setitem__(self.subject_column, [subject], _apply_raw=apply_raw)
except NoOverlapException as e:
self._logger.debug(f"Ignoring no overlap {e}")
continue # ignore
except ValueError as e:
if "Found array with" in str(e):
self._logger.debug(f"Ignoring empty array {e}")
raise e

scores = Score.merge(*scores)
score = apply_aggregate(lambda scores: scores.mean(self.subject_column), scores)
score.attrs['error'] = scores.std(self.subject_column)
return scores

def get_subject_iterations(self, subjects):
return subjects # iterate over all subjects

def score(self, pool_assembly, subject_assembly, metric):
return metric(pool_assembly, subject_assembly)

class NoOverlapException(Exception):
75 changes: 75 additions & 0 deletions brainscore_language/benchmarks/blank2014/
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@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
import copy
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import RandomState
from pytest import approx
from typing import Callable, Union, List

from brainio.assemblies import NeuroidAssembly
from brainscore_language import ArtificialSubject, load_benchmark

class TestBenchmark:
class DummyModel(ArtificialSubject):
def __init__(self, activity_for_text: Callable[[Union[str, List[str]]], NeuroidAssembly]):
self.activity_for_text = activity_for_text

def digest_text(self, stimuli):
neural_activity = self.activity_for_text(stimuli)
return {'neural': neural_activity}

def start_neural_recording(self, recording_target: ArtificialSubject.RecordingTarget,
recording_type: ArtificialSubject.RecordingType):
assert recording_target == ArtificialSubject.RecordingTarget.language_system
assert recording_type == ArtificialSubject.RecordingType.fMRI

def test_dummy_bad(self):
random_state = RandomState(0)

def activity_for_text(stimuli: Union[str, List[str]]) -> NeuroidAssembly:
num_stimuli = len(stimuli)
num_neuroids = 25
neural_activity = random_state.random(size=(num_stimuli, num_neuroids)) # presentation x neuroid
neural_activity = NeuroidAssembly(neural_activity,
coords={'stimulus_seq': ('presentation', np.arange(num_stimuli)),
'stimulus_num': ('presentation', np.arange(num_stimuli)),
'neuroid_id': ('neuroid', np.arange(num_neuroids)),
'region': ('neuroid', ['some_region'] * num_neuroids)},
dims=['presentation', 'neuroid'])
neural_activity['stimulus'] = 'presentation', stimuli # copy over
return neural_activity

benchmark = load_benchmark('Blank2014-linear')
dummy_model = TestBenchmark.DummyModel(activity_for_text=activity_for_text)
score = benchmark(dummy_model)
assert score == 0

def test_exact(self):
benchmark = load_benchmark('Blank2014-linear')
exact_data = copy.deepcopy(

def activity_for_text(stimuli: Union[str, List[str]]) -> NeuroidAssembly:
passage_activity = exact_data[{'presentation': [
list(exact_data['stimulus'].values).index(stimulus) for stimulus in stimuli]}]
# remove stimulus_id and stimulus coordinates to not trip up benchmark
passage_activity = passage_activity.reset_index('presentation')
del passage_activity['stimulus_id']
passage_activity = NeuroidAssembly(passage_activity) # index
return passage_activity

dummy_model = TestBenchmark.DummyModel(activity_for_text=activity_for_text)
score = benchmark(dummy_model)
assert score == approx(1)

def test_ceiling(self):
benchmark = load_benchmark(f'Blank2014-linear')
ceiling = benchmark.ceiling
assert ceiling == approx(.21026591, abs=.0005)

def test_ceiling_raw(self):
benchmark = load_benchmark(f'Blank2014-linear')
ceiling = benchmark.ceiling
assert hasattr(ceiling, 'raw')
assert set(ceiling.raw.dims) == {'neuroid'}
assert ceiling.raw.median() == ceiling
assert hasattr(ceiling.raw, 'raw')
assert set(ceiling.raw.raw.dims) == {'sub_subject_id', 'num_subjects', 'split', 'neuroid'}

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