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Redempt edited this page Jan 8, 2021 · 3 revisions

There are many times where you need to do various things regarding a region in the world. Whether that's detecting whether a player has entered a region, iterating over the blocks in a region, or checking for certain conditions, CuboidRegion covers almost every use case.

The basic class, CuboidRegion, represents a cuboid region within a world. You can instantiate it by simply passing two locations to the constructor: new CuboidRegion(start, end);. Once you've constructed it, you can check if a Location is inside it by calling contains(Location). You can stream all of the blocks in the CuboidRegion by calling

There is also SpheroidRegion for cases where you need a sphere or spheroid rather than a cuboid.

If you need to resize or move the Region, you can do so with expand and move. expand(BlockFace, double) is probably the easiest-to-use of all the expand methods, as it's fairly self-explanatory. The Region will be expanded by the given amount in the given direction. If a negative amount is given, it will be retracted in that direction. move(int, int, int) and move(Vector) will simply move the Region over a given amount.

Regions also have events, though they have to be enabled, as registering a listener every time a Region is instantiated would result in a lot of unneeded listeners. However, simply calling enableEvents() on a region will cause it to begin calling RegionEnterEvent every time a player enters the region and RegionExitEvent every time a player leaves. If you call disableEvents(), it will stop calling these events, and it is good practice to call disableEvents() on a region once you're done listening to its events.

You can also learn how to prevent a Region from being modified by continuing to read on ProtectionPolicy.

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