Appointment scheduling can be customized per facility
or clinic:
Add each facility to app_config.facilities
specifying the facility name
, days
open and the maximum number of slots
available per day:
from edc_facility.apps import AppConfig as EdcAppointmentAppConfig
class AppConfig(EdcAppointmentAppConfig):
facilities = {
'clinic1': Facility(name='clinic', days=[MO, TU, WE, TH, FR], slots=[100, 100, 100, 100, 100])}
'clinic2': Facility(name='clinic', days=[MO, WE, FR], slots=[30, 30, 30])}
To schedule an appointment that falls on a day that the clinic is open, isn't a holiday and isn't already over-booked:
from edc_base.utils import get_utcnow
from .facility import Facility
suggested_datetime = get_utcnow()
available_datetime = facility.available_datetime(suggested_datetime)
If holidays are entered (in model Holiday
) and the appointment lands on a holiday, the appointment date is incremented forward to an allowed weekday. Assuming facility
is configured in app_config
to only schedule appointments on [TU, TH]:
from datetime import datetime
from dateutil.relativedelta import TU, TH
from django.conf import settings
from django.utils import timezone
from .facility import Facility
from .models import Holiday
name='Id-ul-Adha (Feast of the Sacrifice)',
date=date(2015, 9, 24)
suggested_datetime = timezone.make_aware(datetime(2015, 9, 24), timezone=pytz.utc) # TH
available_datetime = facility.available_datetime(suggested_datetime)
print(available_datetime) # 2015-09-29 00:00:00, TU
The maximum number of possible scheduling slots per day is configured in app_config
. As with the holiday example above, the appointment date will be incremented forward to a day with an available slot.