#####Introductory materials
- A Tour of Go, an interactive tutorial on learning Go from scratch. It's easy to follow and especially useful as a quick way to get started in Go from C++.
- How To Write Go Code, A guide to installing Go properly, organizing Go code, and a quick introduction to testing your code.
- Effective Go, A guide to writing idiomatic Go code
- Resources for new Go programmers, A list of great introductory materials both on and off Go's official website.
- What are the use(s) for tags in Go?, A StackOverflow question that clarifies what's up with struct tags.
- json package godoc Go's JSON package. Look at the Marshal function to hear about how JSON struct tags are used.
#####Go's standard HTTP package and basic web development concepts
- http package godoc The documentation for the HTTP package in Go
- Writing Web Applications Write a web application using Go's http package and no frameworks
- A Recap of Request Handling in Go Takes a closer look at the http library's big data structures, Handlers and ServeMuxes, a must-know concept for more advanced stuff like adding middleware to no-frameworks Go web apps
- From Node.js to Go, Why One Startup Made the Switch A talk from Gophercon 2014 on what it was like moving from Node.js to Go for a startup (not really a tutorial but awesome for hearing about Go in the real world)
- Go/Gorilla for MEAN Stack developers part 1: HTTP routing A tutorial on Go/Gorilla routing for people learning Go web development from Node.js
####Go HTTP middleware concepts
- Alice - Painless Middleware Chaining for Go An introduction to the Alice library, which gives you middleware chaining that feels a lot like working with middleware in Express.js
- Making and Using HTTP Middleware Learn how to add middleware to your HTTP server like in Express.js
- Writing HTTP Middleware in Go Another great tutorial on middleware for Go web servers
- Go/Gorilla for MEAN Stack developers part 2: Handlers and middleware
####Go testing