A burgeoning web-based console1 for realtime visualization of Akka Clusters.
1This code is heavily influenced by–and owes its existence to–ochron's ScalaJS Single Page Application Tutorial.
- Dave Sugden,
BoldRadius Solutions <img src="http://bytes.codes/images/black_circle-twitter_icon.png" width=20"> <img src="http://bytes.codes/images/black_circle-github_icon.png" width=20">
- Brendan McAdams,
BoldRadius Solutions <img src="http://bytes.codes/images/black_circle-twitter_icon.png" width=20"> <img src="http://bytes.codes/images/black_circle-github_icon.png" width=20">
'Astrolabe' is a realtime, reactive, browser-based console intended to provide visualization of any Akka Cluster, with live updating of changes in the cluster state, including member adds & removes. It currently visualizes several properties in diagrams (outlined below), utilizing D3 & React.JS.
It can also serve as an effective Demo/Sample project illustrating combining Scala.JS with D3 & scalajs-react, for simple Akka Cluster topography overview.
Currently the following features are supported:
- Join any Akka Cluster (that isn't encrypted with SSL, as it would require you specially configure for the keys, ssl certs, etc) on the fly – configured via browser.
- Visualize the topography of each Cluster
- Members View: Shows each individual ActorSystem which is joined to the cluster, with information on their hostname/IP address, port, and configured roles.
- Roles View: Similar to Members View, shows each individual ActorSystem which is joined to the cluster, with information on their hostname/IP address, port, and configured roles. Additionally shows information on configured routers. Allows you to define dependencies between specific Actors, to clarify the visualization.
- Nodes View: Shows each individual host (hostname/IP address), with each ActorSystem hanging off of that host by Port & Roles.
A number of future features are planned:
- Cluster Metrics awareness: This will collect information about cluster metrics for each node in the system, and display an overview.
- Actor Hierarchy overview: This will let you visualize the actor tree on each node in the system, displaying a diagram to understand the node.
##Getting started
To get started, we'll first need to boot the Spray HTTP Server (for running the console) and setup Scala.JS to recompile any changes.
Open 2 terminals, each running
. -
In the first terminal, we'll need to start Spray (using sbt-revolver, so that it automatically restarts when we make code changes:
> re-start
- In the second terminal, we want Scala.JS to recompile our JavaScript when local changes are made:
> ~fastOptJS
- Open a browser at
A console alone isn't enough: we'll need some Akka nodes to visualize. To do this, we need a running Akka Cluster.
To boot up the sample Akka cluster, and test the behavior of the console, you have two options:
This approach will run multiple instances of the JVM, each with an Akka node in it, to facilitate testing. First, we'll need to create a zip file of the compiled project that we can run with.
sbt sampleCluster/dist
cd sampleCluster/target/universal
unzip samplecluster-1.0.0.zip
sudo chmod +x samplecluster-1.0.0/bin/samplecluster
Once this is done, we'll have a fully functional Sample Akka Cluster in samplecluster-1.0.0/bin/samplecluster
. Now we can start our multiple JVMs to give us some Akka nodes; in this example we're going to start two separate clusters – FooCluster
, and BazCluster
To get started with the FooCluster
, we will need a stable seed node. We can boot this as follows:
samplecluster-1.0.0/bin/samplecluster 2551 FooCluster Stable-Seed &
Next, we'll boot up a bunch of sample actors:
samplecluster-1.0.0/bin/samplecluster 2552 FooCluster Baz-Security &
samplecluster-1.0.0/bin/samplecluster 2553 FooCluster Baz-Security &
samplecluster-1.0.0/bin/samplecluster 2554 FooCluster Foo-Worker &
samplecluster-1.0.0/bin/samplecluster 2555 FooCluster Foo-Worker &
samplecluster-1.0.0/bin/samplecluster 2556 FooCluster Bar-Worker &
samplecluster-1.0.0/bin/samplecluster 2557 FooCluster Bar-Worker &
samplecluster-1.0.0/bin/samplecluster 2558 FooCluster Foo-Http &
samplecluster-1.0.0/bin/samplecluster 2559 FooCluster Bar-Http &
To get started with the BazCluster
, we will need a stable seed node as well. We can boot this as follows:
samplecluster-1.0.0/bin/samplecluster 2661 BazCluster Stable-Seed &
Finally, we'll boot up a bunch of sample actors:
samplecluster-1.0.0/bin/samplecluster 2662 BazCluster Baz-Security &
samplecluster-1.0.0/bin/samplecluster 2663 BazCluster Foo-Worker &
samplecluster-1.0.0/bin/samplecluster 2664 BazCluster Bar-Worker &
samplecluster-1.0.0/bin/samplecluster 2665 BazCluster Foo-Http &
samplecluster-1.0.0/bin/samplecluster 2666 BazCluster Bar-Http &
To stop a particular actor by port...
On Mac OS X:
kill -9 `lsof -i tcp:2551 | grep -i LISTEN`
kill -9 `lsof -i tcp:2552 | grep -i LISTEN`
kill -9 `lsof -i tcp:2553 | grep -i LISTEN`
kill -9 `lsof -i tcp:2554 | grep -i LISTEN`
kill -9 `lsof -i tcp:2555 | grep -i LISTEN`
kill -9 `lsof -i tcp:2556 | grep -i LISTEN`
kill -9 `lsof -i tcp:2557 | grep -i LISTEN`
kill -9 `lsof -i tcp:2558 | grep -i LISTEN`
kill -9 `lsof -i tcp:2559 | grep -i LISTEN`
kill -9 `lsof -i tcp:2661 | grep -i LISTEN`
kill -9 `lsof -i tcp:2662 | grep -i LISTEN`
kill -9 `lsof -i tcp:2663 | grep -i LISTEN`
kill -9 `lsof -i tcp:2664 | grep -i LISTEN`
kill -9 `lsof -i tcp:2665 | grep -i LISTEN`
kill -9 `lsof -i tcp:2666 | grep -i LISTEN`
fuser -k -n tcp 2551
You'll need this Vagrant box: https://github.com/dsugden/vagrant-ansible-ubuntu-oracle-java8, packaged & installed (NOTE: the project Vagrantfile assumes the box is named ubuntu/trusty64_oraclejava8
You'll then need to create a runnable distribution of the SampleCluster
code to deploy on our sample VMs. There are two options:
You'll need to generate a distribution zip file, and then unzip it so we can access it from our Vagrant VMs:
sbt sampleCluster/dist'
cd sampleCluster/target/universal
unzip samplecluster-1.0.0.zip
sudo chmod +x samplecluster-1.0.0/bin/samplecluster
Then, continue on to start up your test nodes
Since we're working with an Ubuntu VM for this style of testing, we have the option of using a Debian package.
Just tell SBT to create the Debian package, and we'll install it when we need it in a bit:
sbt sampleCluster/debian:packageBin
Then, continue on to start up your test nodes
Start up the Vagrant environment, which will boot 4 VMs for us, each capable of running nodes of the Akka SampleCluster
vagrant up
Then, we'll want 4 separate terminal windows or tabes, and to log in to each VM:
vagrant ssh seed
vagrant ssh member_2
vagrant ssh member_3
vagrant ssh member_4
On each of these nodes we'll need to make the Akka SampleCluster
available to boot in several roles. We can either use the zip-based Universal package, or install our Debian package.
To use the zip-based Universal package (which we already unzipped), run the following on each VM:
export PATH=/vagrant/sampleCluster/target/universal/samplecluster-1.0.0/bin:$PATH
This will make the samplecluster
–used to boot each Akka cluster node–available in your standard shell path.
Alternately, installing the Debian package on each of the 4 VMs, will also make it available on your path:
sudo dpkg -i /vagrant/sampleCluster/target/samplecluster_1.0.0_all.deb
We will then need to boot up a Seed node, which will act as the Primary cluster member (with a stable, known address) for other nodes to contact:
samplecluster 2551 FooCluster Stable-Seed &
Next, we'll boot up 3 sample nodes on member_2
samplecluster 2552 FooCluster Baz-Security &
samplecluster 2553 FooCluster Baz-Security &
samplecluster 2554 FooCluster Foo-Worker &
And the same on member_3
samplecluster 2555 FooCluster Foo-Worker &
samplecluster 2556 FooCluster Bar-Worker &
samplecluster 2557 FooCluster Bar-Worker &
Finally, we'll boot 2 Akka nodes on member_4
samplecluster 2558 FooCluster Foo-Http &
samplecluster 2559 FooCluster Bar-Http &
Goto the ClusterMap tab
Click the '+' button beside the "Clusters" in left window
Enter Cluster Name.
"App Host" is the IP of the box where the console is running
"Seen Host" and "Port" are of the cluster you wish to discover