Rendered Version:
- Bob Carpenter. 2023. Getting started with Bayesian statistics using Stan and Python.
This repo contains the source text, code, and data files for an introduction to
Bayesian statistics and probability theory,
the Stan probabilistic programming language,
the CmdStanPy interface to Stan, with
the Python libraries
, andplotnine
From the command line interface, you can change directory to the
top-level directory of the repository and invoke make
$ cd <stan-getting-started>
$ make
will run the quarto build process and produce an html document in the
file quarto/stan-getting-started.html
To run the same thing manually, you can do this
$ quarto render quarto/stan-getting-started.qmd --to html
To produce the pdf, you can first change to the top-levle directory,
then run make
$ cd <stan-getting-started>
$ make quarto/stan-getting-started.pdf
To run the same thing manually, you can do this
$ quarto render quarto/stan-getting-started.qmd --to pdf