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What is this

A cleaner and super simple way to run ghost blog on heroku.

"It can run on your server as well :) Setup the config as locally then deploy with ./bin/deploy-production "

Running locally

  1. Make sure you have node version 10.x installed installed.
  2. Open terminal
  3. Navigate to project root - (use cd command )
  4. Run npm install
  5. Copy .env.example and save it as .env
  6. Edit the configurations to match your development environment
  7. Run ./bin/deploy-development
  8. You should be able to have the url of your blog echoed in the terminal. Copy and paste in your browser.

Running in Heroku

  1. Open terminal - make sure heroku cli is installed
  2. Navigate to project root
  3. Run heroku login to initialize heroku login
  4. Create an heroku app by running heroku create. You will get a url for your app.
  5. Open heroku dashboard and navigate to the app created above,
  6. Go to app settings, and click config
  7. Enter the values in the .env file each in a separate config item.
  8. Once this is done, its now time to deploy and test your blog.
  9. Commit any changes you have made locally
  10. Run git push heroku master
  11. Voilla!! refresh your blog link in the browser