grip-graphql is a collection of go plugins designed and implemented for connecting a Grip server to other microservices in a modified Gen3 software stack.
gen3_writer directory contains a Gin go server plugin that is used for Writing / Deleting data from Graphs on a grip server
gripgraphql directory contains a graphql based read query plugin that uses a goja engine to read from a static schema defined as a config file to create custom graphql queries that can be used to abstract Grip's complex query language into a more digestible query format for the frontend to use.
gql-gen directory contains a graphql schema based read plugin that leverages gql-gen to autogenerate go structs and for schema introspection
See ./gen3_writer for tests and additional documentation
Error messages when loading plugins into grip like the one below are quite common:
message Error loading pluging test: plugin.Open("gql-gen"): plugin was built with a different version of package
time 2024-12-11T16:27:49-08:00
These are caused when the grip executable's build package versions are not equivalent with the plugin's build package versions. There are a veriety of reasons why this might be true:
Make sure that the go version of Grip go.mod and the go version of this go.mod are the same.
Make sure that the versions of all of the packages across both go.mod files are the same
install grip with go install[hash] when deploying using a docker container and debug with a replace statement to avoid having to make a commit everytime a change is made to the grip go.mod file.
replace v0.0.0-20241211235035-b772edec00b9 => ../grip
Note: Go versions of packages can change when a new package is added in this repo, or when a new package is added in grip.