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A Leiningen plugin to compile an scss project to css using CLI tools. Designed to be used with the libsass binary sassc, but should work equally well with any other CLI binary that converts scss to css.

Clojars Project


Put [lein-scss "0.3.0"] into the :plugins vector of your project.clj.

Run with:

lein scss <build-keys ...> [once|auto] [boring] [quiet] [beep] [unused]
  • The auto option watches the source directory for changes and automatically compiles them.
  • The once option will compile all stylesheets and exit.
  • Add the boring option to prevent color output for use in logs.
  • Add the quiet option to prevent excessive logging.
  • Running without these options will compile all stylesheets in the source directory and then wait for changes.
  • build-keys can be one or more keywords for builds specified in the project.clj configuration, see below.
  • Use unused to list any partials not present in any of the stylesheets.


An example project.clj would look like this:

(defproject myproject "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
  :description "My Project"
  :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.8.0"]]
  :plugins      [[lein-scss "0.3.0"]]

  :hooks [leiningen.scss] ;; You can hook scss into the `compile`, `jar` and `uberjar` lein tasks
                          ;; You also have to enable it in a build map - see below.
  :scss {:builds
         {:develop    {:source-dir "scss/"
                       :dest-dir   "public/css/"
                       :executable "sassc"
                       :args       ["-m" "-I" "scss/" "-t" "nested"]}
          :production {:source-dir "scss/"
                       :dest-dir   "public/css/"
                       :executable "sassc"
                       :args       ["-I" "scss/" "-t" "compressed"]
                       :jar        true}
          :testremote {:source-dir "scss/"
                       :dest-dir   "public/css/"
                       :executable "sassc"
                       :args       ["-I" "scss/" "-t" "nested"]
                       :image-token "#IMAGE-URL#"
                       :image-url ""
                       :font-token "#FONT-URL#"
                       :font-url ""}
          :test       {:source-dir "tests/scss/"
                       :dest-dir   "/tmp/test/css/"
                       :executable "sassc"
                       :args       ["-m" "-I" "scss/" "-t" "nested"]}}}
  • :source-dir is the directory containing your .scss source files.
  • :dest-dir is the directory where .css files will be generated.
  • :executable is the path to your sass conversion binary.
  • :args is a vector of arguments to add to the executable command. The input and output file arguments will be appended to this list.
  • :jar set to true will package css in the JAR file.

When specified, :image-token and :font-token will be replaced by :image-url and :font-url in the generated css.


Copyright © 2014

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.


A lein plugin to convert scss to css







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