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Deprecation Notice

This Cordova / Phonegap plugin for the BlueCats Mobile SDK is no longer actively maintained by the BlueCats team. We recommend the use of the following native mobile SDKs:

If you have further questions please contact BlueCats Support: [email protected]


This plugin provides a Phonegap or Cordova app access to Bluetooth Low Energy iBeacons and Beacons via the BlueCats ( BLE SDKs for iOS and Android.



cordova plugin add


phonegap plugin add

Supported Platforms

  • iOS
  • Android if you have any trouble to get SDK starting purring, please refer to our Wiki or FAQ


  • com.bluecats.beacons.startPurringWithAppToken
  • com.bluecats.beacons.watchMicroLocation
  • com.bluecats.beacons.watchEnterBeacon
  • com.bluecats.beacons.watchExitBeacon
  • com.bluecats.beacons.watchClosestBeaconChange
  • com.bluecats.beacons.clearWatch
  • com.bluecats.beacons.localNotificationReceived
  • com.bluecats.beacons.scheduleLocalNotification
  • com.bluecats.beacons.cancelAllLocalNotifications


  • SDKOptions
  • BeaconWatchOptions
  • MicroLocation

Quick Starts

Hello Beacons

Quick Start for com.bluecats.beacons plugin

This plugin provides a Phonegap or Cordova app access to Bluetooth Low Energy iBeacons and Beacons via the BlueCats ( BLE SDKs for iOS and Android.

This sample creates the default 'Hello World' Phonegap project and extends with Beacon functionality.


phonegap create MyCordovaProject
cd MyCordovaProject
phonegap plugin add
cp plugins/com.bluecats.beacons/Samples/HelloBeacons/index.js www/js/index.js

Edit www/js/index.js and update the line:

var blueCatsAppToken = 'BLUECATS-APP-TOKEN';

replacing BLUECATS-APP-TOKEN with your app token generated in the BlueCats console:

If building for iOS

phonegap platform add ios
phonegap build ios

If building for Android

phonegap platform add android
phonegap build android

PList Entries for iOS 8.0

iOS 8 requires a description for the reason for accessing the user's location information. Currently this needs to be added manually to the iOS project generated by Cordova / PhoneGap see


If using Cordova replace the phonegap in the above commands with cordova


Initialises the BlueCats SDK and starts scanning for bluetooth devices. The app token is generated in the BlueCats web console:

com.bluecats.beacons.startPurringWithAppToken(appToken, success, error, sdkOptions)


function success() {
    alert('BlueCats SDK is purring');
    //Start watching beacons using com.bluecats.beacons.watchEnterBeacon etc.

function error() {

var sdkOptions = {
    trackBeaconVisits:true, //Log visits to beacons to the BlueCats api
    useLocalStorage:true, //Cache beacons in local db for offline availability
    cacheAllBeaconsForApp:true, //Cache all beacons on startup
    discoverBeaconsNearby:true, //Cache beacons as detected by the device
    cacheRefreshTimeIntervalInSeconds:300 //Period to check for changes in seconds

com.bluecats.beacons.startPurringWithAppToken('YOUR-APP-TOKEN', success, error, sdkOptions);


Provides beacons and sites in range of the device and their current proximity.

The returned watch ID references the particular watch configuration, and can be used with com.bluecats.beacons.clearWatch to stop watching the beacons.

var watchID = com.bluecats.beacons.watchMicroLocation(success,


function success(watchData) {
  var beacons = watchData.filteredMicroLocation.beacons;
  var sites = watchData.filteredMicroLocation.sites;
    alert('Beacons: ' + beacons.length + '\n' +
          'Sites: ' + sites.length);

function error() {

var beaconWatchOptions = {
  minimumTriggerIntervalInSeconds:2, //Integer. Minimum seconds between callbacks (default 1)
  repeatCount:3, //Integer. Default repeat infinite
      minimumProximity:'BC_PROXIMITY_IMMEDIATE', //String. Closest proximity to include. Default BC_PROXIMITY_IMMEDIATE
      maximumProximity:'BC_PROXIMITY_NEAR', //String. Furthest proximity to include. Default BC_PROXIMITY_UNKNOWN
      minimumAccuracy:0, //Number. Minimum distance in metres (Default 0)
        maximumAccuracy:0.5 //Number. Maximum distance in metres (Default unrestricted)
        sitesNamed:['Site1','Another Site'],//Array of string. Only include beacons in specified sites
        categoriesNamed:['Entrance','Another Category'],//Array of string. Only include beacons in specified categories


var watchID = com.bluecats.beacons.watchMicroLocation(success,


Provides beacons and sites as they come into range as specified by beaconWatchOptions filters.

The returned watch ID references the particular watch configuration, and can be used with com.bluecats.beacons.clearWatch to stop watching the beacons.

var watchID = com.bluecats.beacons.watchEnterBeacon(success,


function success(watchData) {
  var beacons = watchData.filteredMicroLocation.beacons;
  var sites = watchData.filteredMicroLocation.sites;
    alert('Entered Beacons: ' + beacons.length + '\n' +
          'Sites: ' + sites.length);

function error() {

var beaconWatchOptions = {
  minimumTriggerIntervalInSeconds:2, //Integer. Minimum seconds between callbacks (default 1)
  repeatCount:3, //Integer. Default repeat infinite
  secondsBeforeExitBeacon:5, //Integer. Seconds after beacon leaves range before it can re-enter (Default 5)
      minimumProximity:'BC_PROXIMITY_IMMEDIATE', //String. Closest proximity to include. Default BC_PROXIMITY_IMMEDIATE
      maximumProximity:'BC_PROXIMITY_NEAR', //String. Furthest proximity to include. Default BC_PROXIMITY_UNKNOWN
      minimumAccuracy:0, //Number. Minimum distance in metres (Default 0)
        maximumAccuracy:0.5 //Number. Maximum distance in metres (Default unrestricted)
        sitesNamed:['Site1','Another Site'],//Array of string. Only include beacons in specified sites
        categoriesNamed:['Entrance','Another Category'],//Array of string. Only include beacons in specified categories

var watchID = com.bluecats.beacons.watchEnterBeacon(success,


Provides beacons and sites as they leave range as specified by beaconWatchOptions filters.

The returned watch ID references the particular watch configuration, and can be used with com.bluecats.beacons.clearWatch to stop watching the beacons.

var watchID = com.bluecats.beacons.watchExitBeacon(success,


function success(watchData) {
  var beacons = watchData.filteredMicroLocation.beacons;
  var sites = watchData.filteredMicroLocation.sites;
    alert('Exited Beacons: ' + beacons.length + '\n' +
          'Sites: ' + sites.length);

function error() {

var beaconWatchOptions = {
  minimumTriggerIntervalInSeconds:2, //Integer. Minimum seconds between callbacks (default 1)
  repeatCount:3, //Integer. Default repeat infinite
  secondsBeforeExitBeacon:5, //Integer. Seconds after beacon leaves range before counts as 'exited' (Default 5)
      minimumProximity:'BC_PROXIMITY_IMMEDIATE', //String. Closest proximity to include. Default BC_PROXIMITY_IMMEDIATE
      maximumProximity:'BC_PROXIMITY_NEAR', //String. Furthest proximity to include. Default BC_PROXIMITY_UNKNOWN
      minimumAccuracy:0, //Number. Minimum distance in metres (Default 0)
        maximumAccuracy:0.5 //Number. Maximum distance in metres (Default unrestricted)
        sitesNamed:['Site1','Another Site'],//Array of string. Only include beacons in specified sites
        categoriesNamed:['Entrance','Another Category'],//Array of string. Only include beacons in specified categories

var watchID = com.bluecats.beacons.watchExitBeacon(success,


Provides the closest beacon and its site if the current closest beacon changes as specified by beaconWatchOptions filters.

The returned watch ID references the particular watch configuration, and can be used with com.bluecats.beacons.clearWatch to stop watching the beacons.

var watchID = com.bluecats.beacons.watchClosestBeaconChange(success,


function success(watchData) {
  var closestBeacon = watchData.filteredMicroLocation.beacons[0];
  var site = watchData.filteredMicroLocation.sites[0];
    alert('Closest Beacon is: ' + + '\n' +
          'In Site: ' +;

function error() {

var beaconWatchOptions = {
  minimumTriggerIntervalInSeconds:2, //Integer. Minimum seconds between callbacks (default 1)
  repeatCount:3, //Integer. Default repeat infinite
  secondsBeforeExitBeacon:5, //Integer. Seconds after beacon leaves range before counts as 'exited' (Default 5)
      minimumProximity:'BC_PROXIMITY_IMMEDIATE', //String. Closest proximity to include. Default BC_PROXIMITY_IMMEDIATE
      maximumProximity:'BC_PROXIMITY_NEAR', //String. Furthest proximity to include. Default BC_PROXIMITY_UNKNOWN
      minimumAccuracy:0, //Number. Minimum distance in metres (Default 0)
        maximumAccuracy:0.5 //Number. Maximum distance in metres (Default unrestricted)
        sitesNamed:['Site1','Another Site'],//Array of string. Only include beacons in specified sites
        categoriesNamed:['Entrance','Another Category'],//Array of string. Only include beacons in specified categories

var watchID = com.bluecats.beacons.watchClosestBeaconChange(success,


Stop watching beacons referenced by the watchID parameter.

  • watchID: The ID returned by com.bluecats.beacons.watchMicroLocation or com.bluecats.beacons.watchEnterBeacon or com.bluecats.beacons.watchExitBeacon or com.bluecats.beacons.watchClosestBeaconChange.


var watchID = com.bluecats.beacons.watchEnterBeacon(onSuccess, onError, options);

// ... later on ...



Notifies when the app is launched by tapping open any local notification (not only notifications triggered by beacons)

The returned watch ID references the particular watch configuration, and can be used with com.bluecats.beacons.clearWatch to stop watching the beacons.

com.bluecats.beacons.localNotificationReceived(success, error);


function success(notificationData) {
    alert('Notification received' + JSON.stringify(notificationData));

function error() {

com.bluecats.beacons.localNotificationReceived(success, error);


Schedules a local notification to be triggered by detecting a beacon matching the specified local notification options

com.bluecats.beacons.scheduleLocalNotification(success, error);


function success() {
    alert('Scheduled notification'));

function error() {

var categoryToTriggerByName = {name:'Entrance'};
var categoryToTriggerById = {id:'BLUECATS-CATEGORY-ID'};
var customNotificationData = {someKey:'key1', anotherKey:'other data'};
var localNotification = {
  fireAfterDelayInSeconds:60,//Delay the earliest time this notification can trigger. Once the delay has passed, the other criteria will need to be met before triggering.
  alertAction:'View this',
  alertBody:'Welcome back. Here is some great info for you.',
  userInfo:customNotificationData //This object will be provided as notificationData to com.bluecats.beacons.localNotificationReceived callback

com.bluecats.beacons.scheduleLocalNotification(localNotification, success, error);


Cancels all local notifications scheduled by com.bluecats.beacons.scheduleLocalNotification that have not yet been triggered/presented.

com.bluecats.beacons.cancelAllLocalNotifications(success, error);


function success() {
    alert('Cancelled all beacon triggered local notifications'));

function error() {

com.bluecats.beacons.cancelAllLocalNotifications(success, error);

BeaconWatchData and MicroLocation

Each of the beacon watch success callbacks com.bluecats.beacons.watchMicroLocation or com.bluecats.beacons.watchEnterBeacon or com.bluecats.beacons.watchExitBeacon or com.bluecats.beacons.watchClosestBeaconChange returns a 'beaconWatchData' object. This contains details of the beacons that met the specified filters and configuration of the watch instance.

Example BeaconWatchData

  filteredMicroLocation:{}//See 'MicroLocation' below

Example MicroLocation

  "beacons": [
        "id": "c0563500-dca2-69a2-9541-126eb7d81234",
        "teamID": "7e680e00-7ba2-8ab2-3943-f06fccd91234",
        "proximity": "BC_PROXIMITY_FAR",
        "bluetoothAddress": "000780681234",
        "siteID": "ef615500-7ba2-2e88-1f46-d12e5fb11324",
        "version": 20,
        "proximityUUID": "61687109-905F-4436-91F8-E602F514C96D",
        "siteName": "BlueCats HQ",
        "accuracy": 6.1271604369518,
        "rssi": -96,
        "categories": [
            "id": "cf0c5100-faa2-e1a0-ce4b-a5372eb11234",
            "name": "Soft Drinks"
            "id": "2a096301-81a2-7db7-2847-fd74630f1234",
            "name": "Food"
        "name": "BlueCats iBeacon",
        "minor": 1010,
        "measuredPowerAt1Meter": -94,
        "major": 3
        "id": "0ef43100-dca2-d0a6-2041-e35e0dee1234",
        "teamID": "7e680e00-7ba2-8ab2-3943-f06fccd91234",
        "proximity": "BC_PROXIMITY_NEAR",
        "bluetoothAddress": "000780681234",
        "siteID": "8e4d1400-9aa2-668b-c44f-d14b1a0f1234",
        "version": 19,
        "proximityUUID": "61687109-905F-4436-91F8-E602F514C96D",
        "siteName": "Another Site",
        "accuracy": 0.37260415444465,
        "rssi": -73,
        "categories": [
            "id": "8db32e00-01a3-f0ac-db4d-dbc9f1271234",
            "name": "Entrance"
        "name": "BlueCats iBeacon",
        "minor": 1001,
        "measuredPowerAt1Meter": -82,
        "major": 3
  "sites": [
      "name": "BlueCats HQ",
      "id": "ef615500-7ba2-2e88-1f46-d12e5fb11234",
      "teamID": "7e680e00-7ba2-8ab2-3943-f06fccd91234",
      "beaconCount": 3
      "name": "Another Site",
      "id": "8e4d1400-9aa2-668b-c44f-d14b1a0f1234",
      "teamID": "7e680e00-7ba2-8ab2-3943-f06fccd91234",
      "beaconCount": 2


A beacon represents a single Bluetooth beacon device. It contains both static information about the beacon as well as the current state of the range beacon such as proximity and accuracy.

  • id: string Bluecats unique identifier for this beacon

  • teamID: string BlueCats unique identifier for the team this beacon belongs to

  • proximity: string Simplified classification of the distance to the beacon. Available values are: BC_PROXIMITY_IMMEDIATE (< 0.5m) BC_PROXIMITY_NEAR (< 3m) BC_PROXIMITY_FAR (~>3m) BC_PROXIMITY_UNKNOWN (unable to determine distance). These distances are approximations only and will vary by device and beacon configuration.

  • bluetoothAddress: string Unique identifier for the bluetooth device

  • siteID: string BlueCats unique identifier for the site this beacon belongs to

  • version: integer Updates made to a beacon that need to be flashed to the physical beacon increments the version number

  • siteName: string The name of the site the beacon belongs to

  • accuracy: double Approximate distance from the beacon in metres.

  • rssi: integer Strength of the signal from the beacon. Can be in the range 0 to -100. The closer to zero the strong the signal

  • categories: array see 'Category' Categories 'tag' beacons with extra information. For example a beacon can be tagged with the category 'Entrance' to signify it is the entrance to a building or 'Refreshments' to signify it is a refreshment area etc.

  • name: string A friendly name for the beacon

  • proximityUUID: string The first component of the iBeacon identity

  • major: integer The second component of an iBeacon identity

  • minor: integer The third component of an iBeacon identity

  • measuredPowerAt1Meter: integer This is the expected rssi to be measured when a device is 1 meter from the beacon. This could be used for custom distance calculations.


A site is used by the BlueCats platform to group beacons into a physical location such as a single building or address.

  • name: string Friendly name for the site

  • id:id string Bluecats unique identifier for the site

  • teamID: string BlueCats unique identifier for the team this site belongs to

  • beaconCount: integer Total number of beacons in this site (whether or not they are in range)


A category 'tags' a beacon with extra information. For example a beacon can be tagged with the category 'Entrance' to signify it is the entrance to a building or 'Refreshments' to signify it is a refreshment area etc.

  • id:id string BlueCats unique identifier for the category

  • name: string Friendly name for the category