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XQuery v2.0

Setup For Testing Milestones 1, 2 & 3

Dependencies & Requirements

  • Linux Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (or similar)
  • python 3.8 or 3.9
  • docker version 20.10
  • docker compose version v2.3.4
  • alembic 1.8.0
  • running Web3 enabled node (e.g. ETH, AVAX, Sys NEVM.)
  • Ensure no containers or services are listening on any of the following ports: 5432, 6379, 8080

Clone This Repository and Enter Cloned Repo

# --recursive flag is needed while cloning to ensure the xquery2 submodule is  
# also cloned.

git clone --recursive

# If this repo has previously been cloned and the original xquery2 repo
# has since been updated, the xquery2 submodule in this repo can be
# updated with:

git submodule update

# Enter the clone of the xquery-v2-testing repo:

cd xquery-v2-testing

Launch Postgres, Redis & Hasura containers

cp .env.template .env

# Review the env variables set it .env; modify them if desired


Enter xquery2 submodule

cd xquery2

set up & activate virtual environment

sudo apt install python3-virtualenv
virtualenv -p python3 ./.venv
source .venv/bin/activate

pip install -r requirements.txt

Errors running pip install -r requirements.txt

If you get errors running pip install -r requirements.txt, see the following:

XQuery requires the psycopg2 python package, which is compiled from source and thus has additional system prerequisites (C compiler, system dev packages). See here.

The required system packages can be install with:

sudo apt install build-essential python3-dev libpq-dev gcc

Alternatively, install the precompiled psycopg2-binary python package instead, like this:

Edit requirements.txt and change this line:


to this:


Then issue once again:

pip install -r requirements.txt


All configurable settings are consolidated in xquery2/xquery/ Generally, no other files need to be modified!

The following options (with default value) are available and can be adjusted in the configuration file. Alternatively, each option can also be set via its corresponding env variable. See details bellow:

    # Database settings
    "DB_HOST": os.getenv("DB_HOST", "localhost"),
    "DB_PORT": os.getenv("DB_PORT", 5432),
    "DB_USERNAME": os.getenv("DB_USERNAME", "root"),
    "DB_PASSWORD": os.getenv("DB_PASSWORD", "password"),
    "DB_DATABASE": os.getenv("DB_DATABASE", "debug"),
    "DB_SCHEMA": os.getenv("DB_SCHEMA", "public"),

    # Redis cache settings
    "REDIS_HOST": os.getenv("REDIS_HOST", "localhost"),
    "REDIS_PORT": os.getenv("REDIS_PORT", 6379),
    "REDIS_PASSWORD": os.getenv("REDIS_PASSWORD", "password"),
    "REDIS_DATABASE": os.getenv("REDIS_DATABASE", 0),

    # Controller
    "XQ_NUM_WORKERS": os.getenv("XQ_NUM_WORKERS", 8),
    # web3 provider RPC url
    "API_URL": os.getenv("API_URL", "http://localhost:8545/"),
    # "API_URL": os.getenv("API_URL", ""),  # ETH
    # "API_URL": os.getenv("API_URL", ""),  # AVAX
    # "API_URL": os.getenv("API_URL", ""),  # SYS

The xquery2/xquery/ file included in this repo should be considered as an example/template. Feel free to change configs as desired. For example, the web3 provider RPC URLs in this template config are as follows:

    # web3 provider RPC url
    "API_URL": os.getenv("API_URL", "http://localhost:8545/"),
    # "API_URL": os.getenv("API_URL", ""),  # ETH
    # "API_URL": os.getenv("API_URL", ""),  # AVAX
    # "API_URL": os.getenv("API_URL", ""),  # SYS

Setting API_URL as above configures XQuery to fetch blockchain data from http://localhost:8545/ . This will work well if you plan to test XQ's indexing of Sys NEVM chain and Sys NEVM is running locally and the blockchain data of NEVM is available via RPC calls to port 8545 of localhost. If Sys NEVM is running locally in a docker container, and port 8545 is only accessible on the container itself (not on localhost), then you'll need to replace localhost with the IP of the SYS container. If NEVM is not running locally, you might want to set the API_URL to, though that source of NEVM data will be rate limited. If you want to test indexing of AVAX while gathering AVAX blockchain data from the public AVAX blockchain source, "", you can set your API_URL to that. That works fine, but that public source of AVAX data is rate limited. If you have AVAX running locally and you want to ensure AVAX indexing speed is not limited by the public source of AVAX blockchain data, you may wish to set the API_URL to something like ...where is the IP of the local avax container.
NOTE: the values of the environment variables like API_URL set in xquery2/xquery/ can be overridden by passing the env variable on the command line. See Run Multiple Instances Simultaneously for examples.


Basic Example - index only one blockchain

(Skip to Run Multiple Instances Simultaneously if you plan to run indexing on multiple chains simultaneously).

Run the following commands to create the database tables:

alembic -n default -c alembic/alembic.ini revision --autogenerate -m 'creating schema'

alembic -n default -c alembic/alembic.ini upgrade head

NOTE, If the first alembic command above returns an error like this:
ERROR [alembic.util.messaging] Target database is not up to date.
it means you have already run that alembic command in this environment, so you can skip running that alembic command and go directly to the second alembic command.

Verify Setup

Optionally, test the environment and configuration:

python -m test_setup

If the above command returns something like the following, the setup is correct:

06:09:17.0905 INFO  [MainThread 2178926] xquery.util.misc: Processing
time of 'main()': 0.3918 seconds.

If it returns errors, there are errors in the setup.

Run Example

Run one of the preconfigured examples, Pangolin (PNG) Exchange on Avalanche or Pegasys (PSYS) Exchange on Syscoin:

python -m run_png 2> run_png.log &
python -m run_psys 2> run_psys.log &

The above commands start the indexing of AVAX/Sys NEVM blockchain into a database stored on a (temporary) volume attached to the xquery-pg (postgres) container. Logs generated by python -m run_png or python -m run_psys are streamed to STDERR, which is why this example redirects STDERR to a .log file with 2> run_png.log or 2> run_psys.log. To free the Linux terminal, these examples run the run_png or run_psys module in the background with & at the end.

To watch the streaming logs, you can issue:

# For indexing avax/pangolin:
tail -f run_png.log

# For indexing Sys NEVM/Pegasys:
tail -f run_psys.log 

Then issue ^C to interrupt the scrolling logs. To interrupt the python -m run_png or python -m run_psys command:

# bring the run_png or run_psys process to the foreground:


# then interrupt the process by issuing ^C

(Instead of issuing python -m run_png 2> run_png.log & or python -m run_psys 2> run_psys.log &, one could alternatively open a tmux window, activate the same virtual environment there with source .venv/bin/activate, then issue python -m run_png or python -m run_psys in the tmux window and let the logs scroll within the tmux window.)

Run Multiple Instances Simultaneously example

In a terminal window (or tmux window) dedicated to indexing avax/pangolin, run the following commands in the xquery2 dir to create a separate database schema for Pangolin. Note, when you launch a new terminal window, .venv won't be activated, so you'll need to issue this command in the xquery2 directory:

source .venv/bin/activate

Create a database schema for Pangolin:

DB_SCHEMA="xgraph_png" alembic -n default -c alembic/alembic.ini revision --autogenerate -m 'creating schema for Pangolin'
alembic -n default -c alembic/alembic.ini upgrade head

In the same avax/pangolin window, launch the indexer:

DB_SCHEMA="xgraph_png" API_URL="http://<avax-container-IP>:9650/ext/bc/C/rpc" REDIS_DATABASE=0 python -m run_png 2> run_png.log &

If avax is running locally, replace <avax-container-IP> with the IP of the local avax container, which can be found like this:

docker inspect exrproxy-env-avax-1 | grep IPv4

Then, in a new terminal window dedicated to Syscoin NEVM/Pegasys indexing, run the following commands in the xquery2 dir to create a separate database schema for Pegasys. Note, when you launch a new terminal window, .venv won't be activated, so you'll need to issue this command in the xquery2 directory:

source .venv/bin/activate

Create a database schema for Pegasys:

DB_SCHEMA="xgraph_psys" alembic -n default -c alembic/alembic.ini revision --autogenerate -m 'creating schema for Pegasys'
alembic -n default -c alembic/alembic.ini upgrade head

In the same Syscoin NEVM/Pegasys window, launch the indexer:

DB_SCHEMA="xgraph_psys" API_URL="http://<SYS-container-IP>:8545/" REDIS_DATABASE=1 python -m run_psys 2> run_psys.log &

If SYS is running locally, replace <SYS-container-IP> with the IP of the local SYS container, which can be found like this:

docker inspect exrproxy-env-SYS-1 | grep IPv4

Verify Indexed Data in Hasura Console

Find the IP of the server where XQuery v2 is running:

# OR

Note the IP of your server, which we'll refer to here as <SERVER-IP>

Navigate in a web browser to:


This should give you a graphical Hasura GraphQL interface to the database indexed by XQuery v2. You can make specific queries for specific blocks through this GUI, then compare the query results to the information given in Blockchain Explorers.

Track Tables in Hasura Console

The first time you navigate in a web browser to http://<SERVER-IP>:8080/console, you'll probably see the message, "Looks like you do not have any tables" under the API tab of the console, and a suggestion to "Click the Data tab on top to create tables." Follow this suggestion and click the Data tab. The initial Hasura Console message will look something like this:

Hasura Console 1

After clicking the Data tab, click the public tab on the left. You should now see a page something like this:

Hasura Console 2

On this screen you should see an option to track the available tables and views. Click "Track All".

After the previous step is completed you should then see an option just below to track 'foreign key relationships'. Click "Track All".

In the previous version of xquery2, the main table of interest was the xquery table, which is where one could query for a variety of indexed EVM data. It seems the xquery table is not utilized or populated in the latest version of xquery2 (confirmed w/ Riku), but lots of interesting data is available for querying in the other tables and aggregates.


WARNING: Some tests currently affect the state of the cache and database. Only run on a development setup!

Some tests only run on Avalanche (AVAX) currently

pytest --collect-only tests/

pytest -v tests/
pytest -v -rP tests/

pytest -v -k="cache" tests/
pytest -v -k="filter" tests/
pytest -v -k="indexer" tests/
pytest -v -k="middleware" tests/


python -m bench.bench_cache_redis
python -m bench.bench_fetch_token
python -m bench.bench_fetch_token_batched
python -m bench.bench_get_block
python -m bench.bench_get_block_batched
python -m bench.bench_get_logs
python -m bench.bench_serialize

Deactivate Virtual Environment When Finished



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