Shellcheck-all is a wrapper around the amazing Shellcheck software. It adds features to streamline using Shellcheck for code review and continuous integration.
Shellcheck-all extends Shellcheck to support
- Running Shellcheck in parallel
- Merging and sorting the parallelized Shellcheck output into a single report
- Recursing through directories respecting gitignore using the ignore library
- Searching for valid shell scripts by file extensions and shebangs using the file-format library
Shellcheck-all is meant to be drop-in with Shellcheck, and supports the same command line arguments for specifying Shellcheck configuration.
To Shellcheck a repo, run the following.
shellcheck-all --format=json1 ./
Currently Shellcheck-all only supports the Shellcheck JSON and JSON1 formats.
- Add --version that reports version of Shellcheck and Shellcheck-all
- Add support for the rest of Shellcheck flags
- Support other formats then Json1 and json
- Add github builds
- Publish to Cargo