Custom plugins for wire-pod. You can install specific plugins by downloading the plugin and compiling it on your wire-pod server
Like so
wget -O ~/wire-pod/chipper/plugins/whatdate.go
/usr/local/go/bin/go build -buildmode=plugin -o ~/wire-pod/chipper/plugins/ ~/wire-pod/chipper/plugins/whatdate.go
After any plugin in installed you need to retart wire-pod to pick them up.
All Plugins are only compatible with wire-pod as of 01-18-2024
If you install a plug-in and it does not work, you may need to update your wire-pod installation.
This will execute the bash script to install all the plugins
wget -O - | bash
If you want to add a plugin to this repository, all you need to do is:
- Fork this repo, create a folder for your plugin
- create README detailing what you plugin does, the utterances and actions
- create a pull request and I'll merge your plugin