Vector Web Setup provides an open source tool to allow users of Vector to configure their robot without relying on the proprietary phone application that previously provided the only method a user could use to configure their robot.
The software is written in Node.js and should run anywhere you can run Node.js. It is tested on Windows, Mac OSX, and Linux.
#Nodejs install
curl -fsSL | bash - && apt-get install -y nodejs
The main server listens on https on port 8000, the ota listens on http port 8001
npm install
node server.js
You can install the escapepod firmware or any firmware you want by adding the file to the ota folder
To auto flash a firmware once you pair and connect, make sure to update the otaEndpoints variable in the js file site\js\env\endpoints.js to the http link of the file. It has to be http as Vector cannot do an https handshake when flashing the firmware
e.g. if your PC's IP address is and your ota file is 1.8ep.ota place the file in the ota folder and update the variable to let otaEndpoints = ""
Alternatively, you can specify what ota file to use by appending the ota parameter in the url
That way you can set the otaEndpoints variable to one firmware and flash a different one
uncheck - Enable auto-setup
view status - status
connect to wifi - wifi-scan
wifi-connect "SSID" "password"
ota-start http://localhost:8001/ota/1.8ep.ota