Automatic Attendance System is designed to collect and manage student’s attendance records from video camera devices installed in a class rooms. Based on the verification of student identification in the video cameras, attendance will be updated in data base. Attendance will be taken in every class at particular interval of time.
To deploy this project on local machine you have to download complete code on your system.The program can be executed by running the
What things you need to install the software and how to install them
Python 3.0 or later
Python Libraries:
* PyQt4
* numpy
* cv2
The GUI of this project "Automated Attendance System" has been made using PyQt4 module of Python. It is basically seperated into three windows: 1.Main Window 2.Registration Window 3.Attendance Window
The face detection and extraction part has been executed by the OpenCv(cv2) module of Python. Haar Casscade Classifiers have been used for frontal face detection.
The database handling i.e. storing student's information and attendance has been done in this project using sqlite3 module in Python.
The enhancement of image quality like adjusting brightness, sharpness ,etc will be done using PIL module in python
The program can be executed by running the after you have installed libraries like PyQt4, cv2, numpy and PIL.The GUI will guide you to two windows one is the Registeration Window where a student can registered and the other is Attendance Window where attendance can be marked for a particular subject on a specific date.The other option is to check attendance for a subject on a given date.
To deploy this project on local machine you have to download complete code on your system.The program can be executed by running the
- Python - The programming language used
- PyQt4 - GUI Management
- cv2 - Face Recognisation
- face_recognition - Face Recognisation
We use GitHub for versioning.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details