Python interface for mate-tools written by Java.
- download the install package
- thanks to the limit of file size uploading to GitHub, you should download the models first and put the four models in "PyMateTools/models/" directory. (can be found here*)
- download url: mate-tools, or 百度网盘
- python install
Links to individual model files:
- CoNLL2009-ST-English-ALL.anna-3.3.parser.model
- CoNLL2009-ST-English-ALL.anna-3.3.postagger.model
- CoNLL2009-ST-English-ALL.anna-3.3.lemmatizer.model
import sys, os
from PyMateTools import matetools
mate_tools = matetools.MateTools()
testdata = ['I saw a dog chasing a cat.', 'I love you.']
mate_tools.SRL( testdata, verbose = True, result_file_path = cwd )
print ("done")
when you do above, you can get a result file ("result.out") in your working directory.